For Tanne to throw for over 4000 yards and have the completion rate that he did is pretty amazing behind the pass blocking he had all year. The statements to the affect of you can't praise his numbers and then dog the 0-line in the same sentence is seriously one of the most idiotic statements I have seen made here in a while. That is saying something too! You can drive a car with bald tires too, you can't get anywhere in a car without tires right, even if they are bald? If you get from point A to point B without your tires blowing or killing yourself, you should thank your bald tires! You wouldn't be able to get there without them! The other thing is the retarded statement about dinking and dunking, which is complete BS! Yes, we did not complete a lot of bombs this year, but Tanne completed a butt load of intermediate passes and we scored more points per game than we have seen here in a LONG time....including over 3 points more per game than what we averaged with Pennington.