That catch should silence all Chambers' critics | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

That catch should silence all Chambers' critics


Phin Phan Phorever
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
After the great TD catch, I think Chambers has earned his place as our first receiver. Yes he makes some mistakes, but he more than makes up for it with catches like that.

Shhhhhhhhhhh Don't let other teams know about his amazing abilities.
no one doubts that he makes spectacular plays. We just wish that he would be more consistent. If he was more consistent then he would be one fo the leagues best
get off his back. The guy makes spectacular plays.

I'd rather have him drop a couple of balls than be a head case and cause upheaval in the locker room

Reggie Howard has to go
MiamiDLFIN said:
After the great TD catch, I think Chambers has earned his place as our first receiver. Yes he makes some mistakes, but he more than makes up for it with catches like that.

Shhhhhhhhhhh Don't let other teams know about his amazing abilities.

:lol: What, do we live in an etch-a-sketch? One good catch, or even a good game negates all the drops and lapses in focus the last three years I've been saying he needs to pull hi head out of his ***?

I don't think so.
NaboCane said:
:lol: What, do we live in an etch-a-sketch? One good catch, or even a good game negates all the drops and lapses in focus the last three years I've been saying he needs to pull hi head out of his ***?

I don't think so.
Exactly. Can we please at least have a TREND before we make a conclusion about something?
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