The cause, the problem and the solution….. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The cause, the problem and the solution…..


Scout Team
Apr 12, 2005
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This thing we are living is the same old rinse and repeat three year show. In my opinion the cause of all this ineptitude is our GM. The only common mistake of last three regimens is a person that has been employed for so long without any single above average result.

The cause: Grier. Year after year he delivers lots of draft picks that are not only not popular (which is not a problem) but are full of potential, but empty of substance.

He thinks he is smarter than other GMs. Doing alternate thinking in the drafting process. All of that has backfired.

The problem with potential is that it takes time to develop (if ever develop) and by the time it happens it’s very probable that you’d have used two of the four cheap years without a significant return.

It’s also very probable that player will contribute for another team. So you just wasted resources and time developing a player that will make his impact on another team.

Think Van Ginkel whom by the way was a HUGE mistake to let go. Look at his salary and compare his impact to others on our team with higher salary. Its ridiculous. Eliminate the cause Ross! For Christ sake! For once!

The problem: There is not a single QB, not even Mahomes (remember the Super Bowl they lost to Tampa Bay) that can be decent without a competitive OL.

You want a team playing competitive with their backup QB like the Packers? A team playing competitive without a top QB like the Steelers? It ALL starts by having a solid and competitive OL.

There are more issues for sure, we need more depth and a good backup QB, but all the ineptitude we are witnessing on offense would be erased if our OL could do a decent job on run OR pass blocking.

The theory of not needing a good OL because Tua and the offense can work on a system that only requires two seconds has been completely dismantled. Once teams figured how to take the quick reads it was over.

The solution: No more Grier! That one is obvious. But because his stubbornness and lack of leadership I do believe no more Mike also. I think the process we made of unloading good veteran players and acquiring draft capital was the right way of resetting to compete and be contenders.

But this time it all needs to start with a different COMPLETE regimen. New GM, new HC and maybe even a new advisor that can help Ross with his team decisions.

I would start trading players that have value and are/will be expensive like Hill, Ramsey, Chubb, Sieler, Holland and Phillips. I would keep Tua but will rest him the entire year, and next year will put him to take the starting job until a rookie can take it (I would draft that QB until 2026).

Next year it would be about having an adequate OL. And having lots of young players competing for jobs all over the team. Let the new GM choose his coach and his new ST coach (did I have to clarify? 😂).

I don’t know if this time it will work, but I do believe that with the right GM and the right Coach that is the best way to contend. Even if it means sacrificing two more years.
No one knows whether it will work and what will work. One thing is for sure, Dolphins like anyone else should not support failed contracts. That's basic stuff.
Grier has failed and Tua has failed and they need to act right now to open a new window and move on from those two. Right now. They should've acted 2 weeks ago, preferably at the end of last season. Now we are in a bigger hole and continuing to waste time.
Three months ago, everybody was cheering Grier as the GM of the year because of how stacked the roster is. And now it’s his fault because of terrible coaching.
It's more than just terrible coaching... though there is terrible coaching in this mess.

It's impossible to lay the blame entirely on McDaniel. Even when McDaniel was "good" this team couldn't compete with actual playoff teams.
It's more than just terrible coaching... though there is terrible coaching in this mess.

It's impossible to lay the blame entirely on McDaniel. Even when McDaniel was "good" this team couldn't compete with actual playoff teams.
Oh, I know it’s a combo of many things. I was just replying to the ‘it’s all Grier‘s fault’ threads.
Three months ago, everybody was cheering Grier as the GM of the year because of how stacked the roster is. And now it’s his fault because of terrible coaching.
He is the GM so it is his fault for how badly the roster construction has gone! He has ignored to OL for as long as he has been in charge! This roster was never stacked! That was fake news! Both Grier and McDaniel need to be taken to the train station!
In a nutshell the team is too cute in its approach.

McD's offensive scheme is interesting, but the league has caught up (a rule change about motion hurt it too). Now most of the plays are cute vs how SFO ran it as a running offense.

Metrics, this team insists on bringing/drafting players that are smaller than the nominal metrics for each position. Combine that with known injury histories and you are going to have a fragile roster that wears out as the year goes along. Nov/December collapses are not just due to weather.

Teams are built even with the current rule changes from inside out, not the outside in. Look at the $$ tied up in our WR and CB positions. I deeply suspect the league metrics guys are out there looking at the WR positions and in the next year or so there will be a serious drop in $$ allocated to the position.

Want to win, build a proper roster and end the cuteness. Everyone wants to talk smack about Fangio, do you really think hardnosed football guys can stomach Mcd with his shaggy hair, gold rimmed glasses and endless unique demeaner. Football is a tough sport, one needs tough guys on the field and in positions of power.
Three months ago, everybody was cheering Grier as the GM of the year because of how stacked the roster is. And now it’s his fault because of terrible coaching.
No, I definitely was not, and I'm sure quite a few other posters can chime in here and say the same thing. I am boycotting any of my money going to the Fins until Grier is gone!
This thing we are living is the same old rinse and repeat three year show. In my opinion the cause of all this ineptitude is our GM. The only common mistake of last three regimens is a person that has been employed for so long without any single above average result.

The cause: Grier. Year after year he delivers lots of draft picks that are not only not popular (which is not a problem) but are full of potential, but empty of substance.

He thinks he is smarter than other GMs. Doing alternate thinking in the drafting process. All of that has backfired.

The problem with potential is that it takes time to develop (if ever develop) and by the time it happens it’s very probable that you’d have used two of the four cheap years without a significant return.

It’s also very probable that player will contribute for another team. So you just wasted resources and time developing a player that will make his impact on another team.

Think Van Ginkel whom by the way was a HUGE mistake to let go. Look at his salary and compare his impact to others on our team with higher salary. Its ridiculous. Eliminate the cause Ross! For Christ sake! For once!

The problem: There is not a single QB, not even Mahomes (remember the Super Bowl they lost to Tampa Bay) that can be decent without a competitive OL.

You want a team playing competitive with their backup QB like the Packers? A team playing competitive without a top QB like the Steelers? It ALL starts by having a solid and competitive OL.

There are more issues for sure, we need more depth and a good backup QB, but all the ineptitude we are witnessing on offense would be erased if our OL could do a decent job on run OR pass blocking.

The theory of not needing a good OL because Tua and the offense can work on a system that only requires two seconds has been completely dismantled. Once teams figured how to take the quick reads it was over.

The solution: No more Grier! That one is obvious. But because his stubbornness and lack of leadership I do believe no more Mike also. I think the process we made of unloading good veteran players and acquiring draft capital was the right way of resetting to compete and be contenders.

But this time it all needs to start with a different COMPLETE regimen. New GM, new HC and maybe even a new advisor that can help Ross with his team decisions.

I would start trading players that have value and are/will be expensive like Hill, Ramsey, Chubb, Sieler, Holland and Phillips. I would keep Tua but will rest him the entire year, and next year will put him to take the starting job until a rookie can take it (I would draft that QB until 2026).

Next year it would be about having an adequate OL. And having lots of young players competing for jobs all over the team. Let the new GM choose his coach and his new ST coach (did I have to clarify? 😂).

I don’t know if this time it will work, but I do believe that with the right GM and the right Coach that is the best way to contend. Even if it means sacrificing two more years.
The coaches always seem to break and fizzle around year 3 with Miami. Wanny is the only coach outside of Shula that got a 5th year with miami
Grier's 2 biggest mistakes were hiring McDaniel after buying into his gimmick offense that requires good QB play to have any chance. And the 2nd mistake was not having a backup for the one good QB you had who was an injury waiting to happen. The gimmick offense did not prioritize the OL and when they did get somebody, it was small quick guys. So you can't switch to a smash mouth game when you want to, like on 4th and 1 or when the real QB gets hurt. The decision to roster Skylar as the backup was the biggest mistake by any organization in any sport in the last 10 years. Whoever was responsible for that should be fired asap. Maybe we can give McDaniel a slight pass on the performance of the offense in the 1st 2 games. We all saw the problems down the stretch last year. I'm sure he was trying to remedy them. They needed better TE play and better distribution of the balls to WRS. But they went into the year without 3 WRs and never got Smith involved. Maybe that would have worked out as we moved into week 5. But once you go from a capable, no matter what you think of Tua, he was capable; to Skylar, Huntley and Boyle...... What do you expect to happen? No matter what anybody thinks of this offense, it does not have a chance with a bum at QB and it can't be changed to an offense that can cover for a bum QB because you built it with undersized interior linemen. In conclusion, before we place blame, we need to know who decided on our QB depth chart.
He is the GM so it is his fault for how badly the roster construction has gone! He has ignored to OL for as long as he has been in charge! This roster was never stacked! That was fake news! Both Grier and McDaniel need to be taken to the train station!
Nice Yellowstone reference !!!
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