Maria & LauRen Aha!
here's a nice little piece recalling Dan and the Fins 38-31 victory over the original Browns on MNF Dec. 12, 1988: featuring 3 Fin QBs.
Originally posted by dolphan39
here's a nice little piece recalling Dan and the Fins 38-31 victory over the original Browns on MNF Dec. 12, 1988: featuring 3 Fin QBs.
i'm 55 now, i hope they do it while i can still jump up and down and remember how to talk smack!:DOriginally posted by Dolphins13Fan
They will make it to the top again..I truly believe that its just a matter of time.
At least they have weeded out most of the trash (JJ, Underwood, Cecil Collins) although Drug Lord Robert Baker remains a practice squader. Either way though, the Phins will be there again I know it.
Originally posted by dolfan06
i'm 55 now, i hope they do it while i can still jump up and down and remember how to talk smack!:D