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The Miami Dolphins Organization


Feb 2, 2006
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New Jersey
It all starts at the top, from the owner, to the GM, coaching staff, to the players. Every recent super bowl winning team, has had good ownership as well as a strong GM and coaching.

After The Robbie family sold the team, its never been the same. When the Robbie family owned the team, we were at least contenders for the most part, year in and year out.

Wayne bought the team, and soon brought in JJ. Who took over an already playoff team. He then decided to handcuff Marino, and re tool the offense, when all he needed to do was focus on the defense, being the offense was a top 5 the year before. Then JJ quits and in comes his puppet Wanny, we all know where that went. After Wanny, in comes Saban, another college coach who could not cut it in the NFL, and was way too conservative just like Dave. After Saban stabs us in the back and tucks his tail between his legs, we get good old CAM. Need I say more there!

Now we got the 3 year and out Parcells, he brings in his puppets Ireland and Sparano. Here is an O-Line coach, who sadly to say, is more conservative then everyone mentioned above. At least Cam, as bad as he was, had more guts than Sparano, as far as his attempts to win games, and not always play for OT.

Its been bad coaching for years now. If Ross wants a winner, he needs to get rid of IRELAND, get rid of Sparano and Henning (who should of already been fired) Which shows how truly GUTLESS Sparano and Ireland are, for not pulling the trigger on Henning months ago. As this year progressed, I think Sparano has got to be finished, he proves he cant get the job done every week.

He never makes ANY HALFTIME ADJUSTMENTS, EVER! They come out and keep doing what is not working for them. The team is way too predictable, and he always plays for the tie and never goes for the win. Its the same thing week after week.

Henning has been pathetic all year long, his play calling has been beyond conservative, and has been way past disgusting all year long.

Ross needs to do whatever it takes to KEEP Nolan! Give Nolan whatever salary the guy wants, he is the only coach here that knows what he is doing! If we can somehow keep him on staff, our D will be even better next year.

As far as offense goes, yes we need a QB, however we are not going to get a franchise QB picking in the middle of the first round. Our 2 minute drill is the worst in the NFL. If you cant get a QB that can run a good 2 minute drill, you cant win championships. A winning QB has to be able to get it done at the end of a game, and Henne and this offense are not even close. When your running a wildcat on 2nd and 10 with 2 minutes to play, you know that its time to re tool. Not saying they need to rebuild the entire offense, we got some good pieces in place already (Bess, Ricky, Marshall, Long, etc) Just need to re tool it and start by getting an upgrade at QB.

What might be an option is to trade for McNabb! He still has a couple good years left in him, and he is probably done in Washington. He should not cost us more than a 3rd, possibly a 2nd if Miami is desperate enough. I think he could come in here, and do at good job, he would be a definite UPGRADE to what we have now. And would give some time to see if anyone comes available either in either an upcoming draft or free agency. Kolb is another option for trade.

We desperately need another WR, as well as someone who can flat out fly. If we had someone like a Mike Wallace, he would force opposing defenses to play their safeties deep, and allow Marshall and Bess one on one coverage in the middle. It would open it up so much for Marshall and Bess to do some major damage to opposing defenses.

I think Ronnie Brown is finished, he has not been the same this season. I have never seen him hesitate at the line so much week after week, play after play. He can no longer hit a hole, he is too slow coming out of his break at the line, and cant pick a hole, too much scuffling his feet at the line. We need to start looking at RB in this years draft. Not sure if Ingram is coming out this year, he could be an option worth taking a look at.

Ricky seems ok, still think he has another good year left in his tank.

Someone might want to teach Sean Smith how to catch this offseason. Never seen a corner thats always in the right spot, but can never catch the ball.

Bottom line is, as I said above, Ireland and Sparano are GUTLESS, and that does not get you wins in the NFL.

Just get someone in here that can move forward instead of backwards. Cowher, Gruden, Harbaugh, any of them would be an upgrade over what we got right now.
It all starts at the top, from the owner, to the GM, coaching staff, to the players. Every recent super bowl winning team, has had good ownership as well as a strong GM and coaching.

After The Robbie family sold the team, its never been the same. When the Robbie family owned the team, we were at least contenders for the most part, year in and year out.

To be fair, when the Robbie's owned the team, we had Dan Marino at QB.

Hopefully one day whoever is running this franchise will realize we need another great QB and take bold steps to resolve this problem. A great QB will win games, provide entertaining offense, sell tickets, and have this team in contention on a regular basis. Thats what we need.
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