Butterfrog 2.0
Pro Bowler
Ok Folks, the Miami offense is going to be the best it has been in quite some time this year. Ricky is out and Yes he was a good player, but he is/was not our star/franchise player, and not even our franchise Running Back. Ronnie Brown was the #2 overall pick for a reason, and even if you choose not to believe that Ronnie and the run game will do just fine without Ricky then think about this........ We will have a QB this year!!!! Chris Chambers is stoked, Randy Michael will probably have his biggest year yet, Kelly Campbell brings some much needed speed, Beasley is a Monster of a FB. Miami had some pretty good records even without a good running back under JJ, and NO QB either, and now we have a Bonifide, probowl QB, and a STUD RB, and a Pro Bowl WR, and A Pro Bowl caliber FB. Heck even if we didn't have Ronnie Brown and had to go with Morris/Minor again we'd be in MUCH better shape than a couple years ago when the team went 4-12. This team will be just fine, and the Offense will be explosive.