(imo) Nick knew this season could go this way...maybe not this early, but surely this was evident; look, the Phins have been way on the wrong side of the salary cap for over a decade, they've not had sufficient enough picks in the last decade because of leveraging the future for the "win now" by killing the cow and giving away the meat, leaving only aging or backup FAs available for low dollars as they try to 'young up'...problem was, he overplayed that hand with the OL...like they say "sometimes you get the be'r, sometimes the be'r gets you!"...figure he's holding back the younguns because he's planning to trim the herd next season, and doesn't want any of them to be walking wounded before offseason...so 'hasta la next rodeo' compadres...we should have the whole kaboodle of picks starting next April...see what he does with those...oh, an' JT/ZT will bring a few extra picks to the party...