this week on AS(finheaven) World Turn | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

this week on AS(finheaven) World Turn


Pro Bowler
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
In My House
lasts week Ohall call theBIGO (a radio host in the miami area) and also a member of FH,out for going negative with his comment

about wanny and the FO.
BIGO stated that he calls it like he see it
this was just 4days into the free agent period

now we all know MIAMI came out of this OFFseason
one of the biggest winner in this offseason with the trade of BOSTON .

will BIGO change his tune and admitt that he was jumping the Gun

or will Ohall aka oliver rip the Big O a new assh*le.
as round 1 when to OHALL

tune in for round 2
teamBIgo(gator,finrickyrun) vs ohall(josner)

man i have to much
free time on my hand

bigo going on at 12 to day

here a segment of last week posts

Originally posted by BIGO
Sorry I'm trying to catch up to the whole thread.
For the guy that's worried about me being negative. Look
I call it like I see it. James good move, Letting Wade go
bad move, I take the chance on T.O. That's me

Sugar coat it all you want to. You have it out for the Phins, and it appears to be personal. TO is ladened with question marks, and yet you do your best to make the Dolphins FO look the fool because they didn't go after that cancer. I think most see right thru the act.
Call it as you see it all you want to, just stop the personal witch hunt. Then again it works for you, and it's always easier to attract the negitive listeners.
Oliver:eat: :eat: :eat:
Please don't stir up crap around here. Who actually wants to read more bickering and dramatics?? I certainly don't. Let it die!! ;)
Yeah,lol, it aint like there aren't enough things to get us riled up already, ya dont need to open old wounds. Follow the old adage, let sleeping dogs lie.
Muck chill out man,i think the post was pretty funny

fact is i to was burned by the BIGO stating thing as if there was fact,only it ended up as just speculation

there noting wrong with a little dialog or disagree
between posters

funny thing is we all want to see a comman GOAL

in the mean time i pay to watch the game.
and i too i'm a GM(gm=dolphins fan all of my life)
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