"Tolver tries to catch break" Cool Tolver article | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"Tolver tries to catch break" Cool Tolver article


Jul 31, 2004
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Link here-http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/sports/football/9398501.htm


'I think it's fair to say Dave [Wannstedt] will start the best five players,'' Spielman said.

``If Vernon is one of the best five, he'll start, even if he's playing guard, which is where he played in college. But you have to give the kid the chance to learn the tackle spot first.''
cmon guys, which is it? Now weve heard Wanny saying the loser of the RT battle WILL NOT be in competition for guard, and now Speilmen saying this???

I hope Speilmens right tho.
FinFan24 said:
cmon guys, which is it? Now weve heard Wanny saying the loser of the RT battle WILL NOT be in competition for guard, and now Speilmen saying this???

I hope Speilmens right tho.

IF Carey is one of the best 5 O-lineman, he will start.

That's saying Smith, James, and McKinney are starters--or 3 best O-lineman. Now he's saying if Carey is better than Jerman and Whitley, and he loses RT, they'll start him at RG. But they hope he wins RT.
damn the damn herald and their "you must register to read this article".... whats the point of doing that? huh? if its free, why get all our information.

no thanks, i'll pass.
blingbling2334 said:
IF Carey is one of the best 5 O-lineman, he will start.

That's saying Smith, James, and McKinney are starters--or 3 best O-lineman. Now he's saying if Carey is better than Jerman and Whitley, and he loses RT, they'll start him at RG. But they hope he wins RT.
ya i kno, but what im saying is that contridicts what Wannstedt said a while ago. He said if Carey doesnt win the RT spot he wont play RG.
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