Tony Sparano begins next 3 years | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tony Sparano begins next 3 years


Proverbs 3:5-6
Sep 26, 2005
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Well, they decided. He's our head coach. I know how we all get treated as Miami Dolphin fans. It sucks sometimes. We live and die with their decisions. Sometimes I really think they don't believe that. Sure there are many fans that just pay their money for some entertainment from the Dolphins, but I think that is the minority.

The Dolphins have a pretty hardcore base of fans. Many of them keep it bottled up when the going gets bad. There's a pretty large group that bleeds all over the table when the going gets tough. But MOST of the fans care about the Miami Dolphins and want them to be GREAT. Not average. Not medicocore. Not insulted. Not embarrassed. They want to see them dominant. They want to see execution. And above all, THEY WANT TO SEE THEM STEP UP AND GO ABOVE AND BEYOND WHEN IT MATTERS MOST.

The last part is where they have been failing miserably for years. They just haven't been stepping up. Sparano has tried to do his best with what he's had. I don't think anyone will argue that. The problem is with the average performance during his first three years. It's just not good enough.

This is an exciting time for Dolphins fans. The coaches and players have to have learned by now. You're either getting this or you aren't. If you aren't, you have to go. And sadly, you might have to go even if you were getting it. PERFORMANCE ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD is what matters most for the players. That's just the way it has to be.

So we'll see what happens this offseason. Lots of personnel and roster changes are likely and needed. I like what Sparano said at the press conference today to begin his next chapter in Miami.

"When we walk in this building, I tell my football team every single day that we don't place blame,'' Sparano said. "That isn't what we're trying to do. We're trying to solve problems. We don't place blame. We solve problems." Sounds great!
Remember this team was the second least penalized team in the league. Penalties generally reflect the head coach the most.
Sure there are many fans that just pay their money for some entertainment from the Dolphins, but I think that is the minority.

No, unfortunately, that's the vast MAJORITY. ... South Florida is notorious for their crappy allegiance to their sports teams. And it's true. That may not be you and many here on this forum, but this forum is NOT representative.

The good news is that teams with many more VERY, VERY, VERY loyal fans get screwed over as much or more than we do. ... They have it worse than we do.
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