The things you get in that video is really no real information on how long he can play, even Dilfer gives his honest opinion that he has no idea how long his career can be...Nobody does, but all Doctors have said repeatedly was, that he fine, even that the way it healed, he could be as if he had no problem with his ribs. Then again nobody can really honestly tell you Borrow, Herbert, Love, Hurts, or the others will end up with Longer careers then Tua.
What I got from that Video is a College QB, that was so Driven, he worked even harder then expected of him to not only come back healthy, but to be as good or better then he was before.
That he may be even be quicker, and moves even better then he was before the injury.
Dilfer (that rarily raves like this about his players from Highschool, and College that he works with) repeated what everyone has said about him, he is very loved, very driven, and actually does have what it takes to be a leader of men...Teammates will run through a wall for him.
These are not traits you normally get from all young men, only the ones that are very successful.
A below average player will not do what is expected of him to succeed...An average player will do exactly what is expected of him...An above average player will go the extra mile of what is expected of him...The rare exceptional player will do beyond what is expected of him, and still not be satisfied.