Unable To Post Using An ePad | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Unable To Post Using An ePad


The Intra-Dimensional Felinians R Coming 2 Save Us
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Apr 29, 2007
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Beam Me Up Outa Here!
I see everything just fine now (after tweaking the settings on a few different android browsers) but no matter what I do or which of 4 browsers I try, rarely am I able to bring up that automatic electronic keyboard... and during the infrequent times I can, the posting area picks up every 3rd or 4th letter if that.

Anyone else using a tablet or android phone encountering this issue? And can anyone (hello Bill) suggest a fix?

Buy the app called tapatalk..its like a buck...makes posting via your phone or ipad/itouch much easier..

I post from my motorolla driod pro phone which uses android with it..awesome
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Buy the app called tapatalk..its like a buck...makes posting via your phone or ipad/itouch much easier..

I post from my motorolla driod pro phone which uses android with it..awesome

i dunno that it would necessarily help as I haven't had any problems summoning up the keyboard (I friggin hate those electronic ones) before the upgrade, nor do i experience this issue on any other forums :idk:
ok so I just uploaded the latest tapatalk software. I would love to get some feedback on it.
ok so I just uploaded the latest tapatalk software. I would love to get some feedback on it.

The app works great. Its super fast..Does not take you to the home screen...takes you right to the forums and from there you pick and choose..I have had problems posting a few times..but just kept at it and it went through..I did notice that you can thank ppl via tapatalk before you could not...and you see thanks which is cool...

The only forum I come on is finheaven so I save it in my favs' and boom I am bs with y'all
The app works great. Its super fast..Does not take you to the home screen...takes you right to the forums and from there you pick and choose..I have had problems posting a few times..but just kept at it and it went through..I did notice that you can thank ppl via tapatalk before you could not...and you see thanks which is cool...

The only forum I come on is finheaven so I save it in my favs' and boom I am bs with y'all
thanks for the feedback. I don't have a smartphone myself so I really can't test these features.
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