Perennial All-Pro
Is it only for VIP members or not available yet?
It is only for Premium members right now. Tomorrow, we will open it up for the VIP'ers
No problem. We will open it up for registered members too. I just don't have a date for it yet.
You have to buy all premmies a gift before using. Nice dounut!
I was thinking like 2010 for reg
No problem. We will open it up for registered members too. I just don't have a date for it yet.
I was actually looking into the VIP thing, but I'm not sure what to do since I'm outside the USA.
You can open a Paypal account from overseas if you have a Visa Or MC or you could mail a 36.00 dollar payment to
FinHeaven & Co
771 Lake Wellington Drive
Wellington, FL 33414
Click on the VIP logo at the bottom of my sig if you want to pay by Paypal. :D
Thanks, I'll look into both options
Thanks, I'll look into both options
is it open for vip'rs in like 20 minuetes? or just tommarow sometime?