Victory Friday! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Victory Friday!


Club Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Enjoy it everyone! We can watch football this weekend, and feel good that we got the W and showed improvement in several different areas. Enjoy Victory Friday!!
Here we go! A positive thread about last night. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised last night. I went into the night expecting a loss but they came out and stomped the hell out of the Jags. There is still work to be done with the team obviously but last's night win was a hell of a win. It was damned nice to watch that.
We'll look back at some future time and point to the Jag victory as to where the new roster really started to gell as a team. I expected a similar game to the Bills game and thought we'd have a tough time up there. Somehow in a 3 day turnaround the coaches managed to do some great things.

I think we are also seeing the start of an era of Miami Dolphin football where our o-line isn't a liability. Say what you want about Grier but if he drafted our franchise QB, fixed the o-line with 3 great rookies, 2 which start, got a super athletic 20 year old CB that looks to be a good one, snagged dline help and help at Cb and got some FA like Van Noy and Jones it might be said that he had a great off season. If the FA at DE can turn it up a notch like they did last night that's a big win for the entire defense. Plus let's not forget Flowers is playing well at LG and that's been a problem for ages. He put Michael Dieter right on the bench. The Gaskin pick is starting to look a little better also.

We have a nice few extra days to heal up before Seattle. Parker can sure use the time to get closer to 100%, he's still balling out there!
Feels good to have a break after the win, so I'm just looking forward to a Dolphins stress free Sunday. There's some good games this Sunday.
Are you guys crazy?

That win costs us 7 draft spots. What in the name of Sid Vicious are they thinking??????
Never EVER use Sid's name in vain!
Next think you know, you'll be maligning Ian.
Are you guys crazy?

That win costs us 7 draft spots. What in the name of Sid Vicious are they thinking??????
True Story. I was injured very badly in a pickup game the night Sid Vicious died. As I was taken to the hospital in the ambulance the EMT's were talking about it on the way there. They were shocked a 14 yr old kid even knew who he was. I'll never forget that night. They stayed with me at the Hospital until my parents came. The doctor who operated on me that night, eventually became the orthopedic surgeon for one of the NHL Franchises.
Feels good to have a break after the win, so I'm just looking forward to a Dolphins stress free Sunday. There's some good games this Sunday.
That’s exactly how I feel. Enjoy it!
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