we did have several records until.......... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

we did have several records until..........


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Sep 2, 2001
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jay took over! i'm so pissed i could stick all the dolphin stuff i have in a box and put it in the garage. the only reason i don't is because marino's helmet and jersey are in the center of things and i remember when this team was winners and had some pride in their accomplishments, even when the fans weren't at each others throats, i'd also have to put everything back out cause i'll never give up on the fins. but face it people, the machine needs to be greased, its slowin down.

i said the same thing, "give fiedler a chance", i think a year and a half is long enough chance. do you remember the pre-season game, where wanny decided to go with fiedler. 4 INT's folks, kind of an auspicious debut i think!!!!!!:mad: :yell:
I don't remember that game, but I do remember thinking, "Okay and who is this guy?" It has been hard envisioning anyone else at the QB position, but Marino IS GONE. :cry: I was 12 when Marino came on board and even back then I was thinking, "Okay and who is this guy?" He turned out to be AWESOME! There may be a pattern here. I started with Griese :D and then there was Strock and Woodley and then came Marino. :D Now we have Fiedler and maybe one more before we get another AWESOME QB again. I am not pro-Fiedler at all. I have said SEVERAL times on this board that he makes me nervous. I will give him credit for what he has accomplished, but overall I am not impressed. I am spoiled with our past and try to hold Fiedler up to Marino standards. Shame on me! :rolleyes: I will do the most a fan can really do. Be there, support the team, pray and watch and see. :)
You contunue to bash Feidler, but the only thing you are doing is showing your limited knowledge of football. Is Jay the best qb for the job? No. Could he get the job done if the other players did theirs? i thnk so. Jay's worst perfomance this season is the rest of the team failed to show up. think about it! Rams game-defense was getting walked all over, o-line was playing hoirrible, running game was moving backwards, Jay's ints stuck out like a thore thumb, but even Dan would have thoose days when his team wasn't playing w/him. The same could be said for the 2nd half of the Jets game. 1st half everyone is doing what is expected and Jay looks like Montana. 2nd half players start to break down, and Jay looks Leaf. The 2nd Jets game d-played good, but the whole offense sucked w/ a captial suck! The 49ers game was the same as the Rams. This is a team sport and when 1 link of the team drops the ball(o-line, d-line, lbs, qb, rb were all guilty yesterday) the whole team suffers. Every loss we have had dating back to the Raiders playoff game was, because every element of this team was horrible, not just Jay Feidler, but don't get me wrong I hope he gets replaced this off season, but the problem is much deeper than #9!
I can't believe you guys are still doing the whole "who's fault is it" thing. The game's over, the whole team lost because of a number of things. Granted, Fiedler didn't exactly help win the game but neither did a number of other players. It was like the team was asleep. So now it's


Y'all be cool now, ya hear?:cool:
I don't know if that "lack of football knowledge" comment was directed towards me or not, but I don't see Fiedler as being the intense and passionate "Field General" we were used too. Yes he plays with enough heart to run his ass off to score the winning TD against the Raiders. But, I don't see him getting fired up and rallying the rest of the team like Marino used too. I remember the scowl on his face. He would never smile. The players respected him or feared him, either way he made you believe there was hope of winning the game. 21-0 at the half, no problem! After all, we had Marino. :D I don't feel that way anymore. Maybe he was just a special one. :) Okay, okay I will come back to the present now. :o
Dajesus I agree with you mate.

It's the whole team that let us down, there are so few top quality QBs in the league at present we just have to look at what Jay has done for us this year. Sure he has had the turnovers and scares the hell out of a lot of people when he throws the ball, but have we won games - yes. Have we won games with no running game - yes. Have we won games with a defense no where near as good as last year - yes. Jay is a winner, like him or not he is and he has heart. As mentioned a few times before on this board, it is amazing that we are even close to 9-4 the way that we are playing.

The SF game was just one of those games where nothing went right, as Jaydog said lets get over it, win our final 3 games and hope our Fins can play as well as we known they can in the playoffs. ;)
Well everyone, Marino is gone and there will never be another like him. However, there is no real leader on the offense. Jay does need to step up and take this role, it is his team. Zach is the leader on D but there is really no true leader on this team on offense.

I can't believe you guys are still doing the whole "who's fault is it" thing. The game's over, the whole team lost because of a number of things. Granted, Fiedler didn't exactly help win the game but neither did a number of other players. It was like the team was asleep.
of course i'm still talking about it, its an on going problem. whether lucas is better or not, what do we do, wait till fiedler moves on or gets injured, give lucas some experience, find out what you have, then draft a QB if need be!:yell:

I have to disagree with you on your last post. You do not bench your starting QB when you are 9-4 and in the hunt for homefield during the playoffs. We lost one game in 4 weeks and you cannot blame that game on him alone. IMO...who is to blame in the SF game was our pourous O-Line. We had no running game and Fiedler had no time to throw the ball. Did you see when Fiedler got blind-sided by that blitzing LB, he came from the outside untouched and Fiedler never saw it coming. Fiedler had to rush his passes all day!

I'm not a Fiedler backer because like MIADPHAN013, he makes me nervous too. But I do trust Wannie in making the right personnel decisions. Wannie watches Lucas and Fiedler practice everyday, and it's obvious that Fiedler must be the best choice right now at this time. I like Ray Lucas as a QB, but I don't have the priviledge to see how he performs at practice in comparison to Fiedler so right now I have to trust Wannie.

GO FINS!!!!!!!!!!!
33 is right

last year Jay was hurt and should have been pulled except the coaches thought NE #3 QB was not as good as Jay @50%. There is no excure this year to pull him at this point at 9-4. Last weeks game must be thrown away - all that matter is Saturday right now.
No Miad that comment wasn't directed at you. It shouldn't be directed at anyone, and for that I apolagize to 06. I'm just sick of hearing about how much Feidler sucks. He has brought this team to a 9-4 record, and he will be our qb till the end of the seaosn barring injury. How he plays form here out will decide if he comes back.
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