We have gotten trapped thinking we are one player away | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

We have gotten trapped thinking we are one player away


Practice Squad
Feb 22, 2004
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this thinking has really cost us at draft time. we have p!ssed away valuable draft picks, and we havent taken the time to draft a mid round qb in the hopes of grooming him. instead, we let another team take a chance, if he shows a glimmer we throw a high pick at him.

the worst thing that happened to us was baltimore winning the super bowl a few years ago, wanny just couldnt seem to shake the image of dilfer holding up the lombardi trophy and seemed to think that you can win with below average talent at the qb position.

if we happen to get a first rounder for ogun, we should keep it and draft another first round talent, instead of packaging it to move up. we are clearly a few players away
Yeah, we need to draft OL and WR in the first round. We are not gettin the OL help that we wanted early on, and with people actually canceling visits with us, you know we have to be doing something wrong.
slubeaner,I agree w/ ur top post

I'm tired of wanny telling us a 2nd is worth a 3rd next year or is it
3rd is worth a 2 nd next or is that he dont give a damn
about no damn draft pick. lol

but anywhere to me 2nd is a 2nd (pick) and a 3rd is a 3rd
dont just give there away :D go dolphins
"Tons of talent in this years draft. Damn NE!!!!!"

justafan is right! new england has been extremely smart, while i hate to say it, but miami and buffalo have been pretty stupid the past couple of drafts. i know its been a year, but the whole eddie moore thing kills me!
Originally posted by slubeaner
"Tons of talent in this years draft. Damn NE!!!!!"

justafan is right! new england has been extremely smart, while i hate to say it, but miami and buffalo have been pretty stupid the past couple of drafts. i know its been a year, but the whole eddie moore thing kills me!
The Mcgahee pick reamins to be seen. We will all find out this year ;)
"The Mcgahee pick reamins to be seen. We will all find out this year "

what are you guys going to do, run the old SMU pony express offense? god, im dating myself, hopefully someone gets the reference
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