We lost another but it doesn't matter.... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

We lost another but it doesn't matter....


Crank Yanker
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
Inside your head
cause we're still Dolphins and we'll still be wearing aqua and orange next week. Some will have it on their clothes, some will have it around their house, and some will have it on their license plate. Win or lose it doesn't change a thing. Yeah, we could have won with a better offensive game but it's over and we'll be even better next week, and 10 times that next year. Go Phins you're still the best to me win or lose. I'll die with a Dolphins helmet on.:dolphins:
hell yeah i wll always bleed aqua and orange
here here!
I really didn't expect to win today anyway... I hoped we would... but I didn't raise those hopes too much. The Jags were playing to stay in the hunt... we were playing to stay in the vicinity of the hunt. Their D is top-notch..and our O is anemic, especially without even the threat of Ronnie. Sammy is servicable, but he scares nobody.
Jaydog57 said:
cause we're still Dolphins and we'll still be wearing aqua and orange next week. Some will have it on their clothes, some will have it around their house, and some will have it on their license plate. Win or lose it doesn't change a thing. Yeah, we could have won with a better offensive game but it's over and we'll be even better next week, and 10 times that next year. Go Phins you're still the best to me win or lose. I'll die with a Dolphins helmet on.:dolphins:

We may criticize; that's all fans can do in order to try to make the team better. Doesn't mean we're not die-hard Dolphins fans. If we weren't we wouldn't be hanging out on Finheaven, would we?
cdz12250 said:
We may criticize; that's all fans can do in order to try to make the team better. Doesn't mean we're not die-hard Dolphins fans. If we weren't we wouldn't be hanging out on Finheaven, would we?
That's right man. I HOPE I get some smack talk at work for wearing my #54 Thomas jersey, in fact, I welcome it. Cause when it's all said and done, we'll still be the best team in football and everybody else will be ****:D
Jaydog57 said:
cause we're still Dolphins and we'll still be wearing aqua and orange next week. Some will have it on their clothes, some will have it around their house, and some will have it on their license plate. Win or lose it doesn't change a thing. Yeah, we could have won with a better offensive game but it's over and we'll be even better next week, and 10 times that next year. Go Phins you're still the best to me win or lose. I'll die with a Dolphins helmet on.:dolphins:

As disillusioning and frustrating as it has been the last three years, I will NEVER even think of changing my colors. I love this team.
You know you're right but I'm still pissed.
Just the type of thread Finheaven needed right now. Way to go man, go Dolphins!

The next 3 weeks are still huge to me because look at who we're playing. If you can't get up for the Pats, Bills and Jets, you just aren't a fan. I can't wait till my Chambers jersey gets here so I can sport that bad boy on Sundays!
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