The goal should be change, not winning meaningless games this year.
Grier has to be fired, he can't build a team correctly.
Why do you want us to win games and risk Ross keeping Grier around? So you can have a fun Sunday? Do you ever want the team to actually be successful? Or is the mediocre 6 to 10 win seasons exactly what you want from this team?
I just don't get fans like you, always with the pom-poms, false bravado and participation trophies.
This team has no chance at winning a Super Bowl this year. Absolutely ****ing none. Every game we win, makes our draft-picks worse, hence lowering our draft capital, while increasing the chance Grier keeps his job. One he's completely unqualified for due to incompetence.
What if we got the 1st pick and traded it for a haul like Chicago did to Carolina?
But you want us to win, utterly meaningless games for your what? So you can shout from the hill tops, you never gave up and are the best Dolphins fan in your own mind? What joy will a 8 win season bring you? Is that what's missing from your life? You could watch re-runs of any season for the last 2 decades and get the same result.