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Welcome to Finheaven Brothers and Sisters!

Fin Fan in Cali

Fins Up!
Super Donator
Club Member
Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
Sunshine state
Good morning to you. I would like to say welcome to Finheaven and glad you are here! My name is John aka Fin Fan In Cali. I wanted to ask what brought you here along with how long you been a Dolphin fan? Who is your favorite Dolphin player past or present or both? Also where are you from? If you have any questions about the site, its forums, memberships please feel free to ask.

Have a great day!
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I havie been reading this site for years. Huge fin fan. Decided to start posting. Maybe it wil help me deal with my frustrations from this past season.
How do you join vip? I
Hi fellow Fin Fans .. Big fan since jason taylor who i love . From the Boston area and those annoying Pats fans . I have to deal with it because my life partner is a pats fan. Anyway . Love the site and thought i don't post much, I love my fins .
Hi fellow Fin Fans .. Big fan since jason taylor who i love . From the Boston area and those annoying Pats fans . I have to deal with it because my life partner is a pats fan. Anyway . Love the site and thought i don't post much, I love my fins .

Welcome aboard.
Good morning to you. I would like to say welcome to Finheaven and glad you are here! My name is John aka Fin Fan In Cali. I wanted to ask what brought you here along with how long you been a Dolphin fan? Who is your favorite Dolphin player past or present or both? Also where are you from? If you have any questions about the site, its forums, memberships please feel free to ask.

Have a great day!
I John, I m from Portugal. I register in the site because I need some help. I have a Dolphins jacket for so long, it’s a jacket from 1974 and I want to know more about it. Thanks for having me on your fans site. Best regards from Portugal
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