Congrats to the the winners, and a special thanks to our hardworking staff to bring this together this year.
I'm not sure where else to put this, might as well include this here (if you guys can think of a more appropriate place to post this please move it) but Winning the BigBry man of the year award means a lot to me.
First it says something about the quality of the membership I was nominated with, we have some of the greatest members on the interwebs, and I've formed a lifelong friendship with many of these guys. Second, to win it over john, (who was more deserving in my humble opinion) meant that in the the end john actually gave it to me. because if we had gone extra innings, i'm sure it was his. A bit more about john and I, you see a long time ago finheaven had a great crew of people, and eventually those great people had a bit of a falling out. In that falling out, john and I found ourselves on opposite sides of the fence, along with many long time members. Over time, it was john who extended multiple olive branches to multiple dolphins fansites. He's a real hero in this regard. It took me a bit longer to finally accept those branches, but john and I had a few more things in common. One , we both tried our hardest to take the high road in those difficult times. John admittedly succeeded more often than I did. And two John and I share a brotherhood that can't be broken by time, or distance. We're both Jarheads and Simper Fedilus isn't just a catchphrase, it's a way of life. So to win this over such a quality guy, all I can say is, it's his next year.
Finally a shoutout to the man this award is named after... rest in piece Bigbry, you cantankerous big hearted bastard.