No one lost money ??? Four banks lost money and had to write off the bad loans. Now those banks don't just wash their hands and say oh well. They turn around and get their money back in other ways, like charging higher fees, raising rates, etc. This affects all their customers as the banks will tighten the rules on who gets loans in the first place. Now the average Joe like you and me gets screwed when we try and get a loan.
Come on people, wake up. This is a serious issue and he got what he deserved.
Understandable that you feel this way, but in the grand scheme of things this doesn't make even a small dent in any of what you mentioned. There are multiple reasons I think this is way overblown and he was punished a bit too severely. As a starter, these kinds of things happen all the time on a larger scale with large businesses and we do not even bat an eye (probably because it is so under reported, but even if it was, the common reaction is little or no outrage because we feel powerless over the situation)
Now for what I believe to be the more disgusting statistic for all of us in America is, that:
Typically parole programs cost taxpayers $7.47 per day per parolee, while prisons cost $78.95 per day per inmate nationwide
Victimless Crime Constitutes 86% of The Federal Prison Population
1 in 3 Americans have a criminal record (I guess 33% of Americans are dirtbags too)
The United States has the highest prison population rate in the world. Presently
756 per 100,000 of the national population is behind bars. This is in contrast to an average world per-capita prison population rate of 145 per 100,000, based on 2008 U.N. population data. In other words, the U.S. incarcerates its citizens at a rate that is 5 times the world average.
The for profit prison system is a corrupt entity and because they now get lobbyists that promote mandatory minimum sentences and pushing for "tough on crime" bills to pass, it is causing completely incongruent sentences with no chance of rehabilitation.
So what is causing you to lose more money? Fryar or the millions of non violent criminals also currently incarcerated with disproportionately long sentences costing us hundreds of millions dollars annually?
Fryar is just caught in that same system.