SirDrums said:
Another thought, if Ricky is cleared of these allegations, do you think he can take legal action against the league for defamation ( I think it is called anyway.)
Having pursued defamation of character charges against someone myself in the past, I can tell you that it is very hard to prove.
First off, you have to prove that it was actually said/written/transcribed somehow. Clearly he can do this simply by pulling relevant newspaper articles, TV reports etc.
You then have to prove that others believed it about you. Again, not so hard to do. Given the amount of threads on this board alone, you have a ton of people who bleieve he lit up again. Not to mention everywhere else. However, where it becomes tricky for Ricky on this count is his previous run ins. Everyone knows he used pot in the past. He admitted to such and most people's opinions about him were formed previous to this. Any good lawyer would bring this up and ask for the case to be thrown out here.
Finally, you have to prove that these allegations about your character have hurt you somehow. Either it cost you a job, money, standing within the community etc. With his profession being based upon physical and mental abilities, it is very easy for folks to claim they wouldn't have traded for him or that they were planning on cutting him anyway or whatever.
Jimmy James, who is some type of lawdog can probably elaborate further, but that is my understanding.
For those who are curious, my case never went to court but the defendants eventually settled when they fired the main person on the suit due to finding out other "skeletons" in her closet. The owner of the company then personally called me to apologize and a financial agreement was settled upon. Truly a case of the system working. :D