What would happen if the Phins lost in Game 1 Vs. Detroit?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What would happen if the Phins lost in Game 1 Vs. Detroit??


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May 20, 2002
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I know its a horrible thought, but if through some miracle Detroit actually won the game..

Do you think that would shatter the confidence of our players and send us on a downward spiral?

I know the fans would be in a state of pandemonium...

PS: What if the defeat was due to a Jay Fiedler INT or a Ricky Williams FUMBLE?

Sorry to bring everyone down..:cry: :eek: :cry:
You get ready for game two...Just like when we lost to the j--e---t--s..hard to talk about them.
I would be suicidal. Because that would mean that Chambers, Ricky, Jay, Sam, Zach, Timbo, Chester, JT, Brock, and two of our offensive lineman went down with injury. :lol:
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It would be bad, but I would start my campaing for Eli Manning to leave Ole Miss early so we can get him in the first round.
What would happen if the sky suddenly fell? Let's not worry about this.
Originally posted by SkapePhin
I know its a horrible thought, but if through some miracle Detroit actually won the game..

The world would turn into chaos. Night into Day, Day into Night. Politicians would become truthful and Buffalo would win a Superbowl.
Anything is possible in the NFL these days, but I don't think it will happen....

If we lost in week one to the Lions, the media would cause tons of problems down here. If it caused us to spiral into a losing season, Dave Wanny would probably be fired......

I don't even like to think of that happening. He has brought more balance to this team than Johnson or Shula.....That's only my opinion of course.....

what would happen if we all stoped worrying and just let the team tell us what there about. LESS STRESS!!!!! I love this board but man you guys come up with every scenario possible, EVEN THE BAD ONES. all i want is to improve upon last year, and thats beating the jets both games, in come from behind victories.
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