Who do you want to win the AFC, now | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Who do you want to win the AFC, now

Who do you want to win the AFC, now

  • Steelers

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Pats

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Ravens

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Raiders

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
I suppose the Steelers since I hate them the least.
I'm pullin' for the Ravens. No apparent reason. WELL....I guess I have my reasons....LOL! I don't want to pull for any of my friends teams...I guess I'm hatin' now since my team is out. But I don' t have any friends that are Ravens fans.
Living in Baltimore, I like the Ravens in the AFC. But Philly is the team I'd like to see win it all. McNabb is one of the best and most exciting players in the league and has good character to boot. (Plus he's an Orangeman). This area would be nuts with a Ravens/Eagles SB.
Oh, there's more football on after the DOLPHINS LOSE THEIR LAST GAME? I didn't know that.
Originally posted by inFINSible
Oh, there's more football on after the DOLPHINS LOSE THEIR LAST GAME? I didn't know that.

we can watch Sam amd Zach (if he is not hurtin too bad) in the Pro Bowl :rolleyes:
Of course, I will watch the rest of the playoffs (I will watch almost any NFL game) but I could really care less who wins. Maybe the Patriots just because they were expected to be 4-12.
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