Who will be our Troy Brown next week | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Who will be our Troy Brown next week


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
considering this injury report:

Chiefs | Warfield Injured - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
12:54 PT: Kansas City Chiefs CB Eric Warfield (calf) suffered a calf injury and had to be taken to the locker room for X-rays.

Chiefs | Crockett Dinged - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
12:54 PT: Kansas City Chiefs CB Ray Crockett (hamstring) suffered an injured hamstring during Sunday's game.

and how many passes Brown caught, KC looks like a great game for Chambers to start racking up some big yardage.
Originally posted by Muck
Yo mama!! That's who.


Muck you need to quit...But today is great isn't it. Plus they show the game here in MD..you know I am smiling..I actually got to see Miami end the streak...:evil:
As balanced as our O seems to be this year, and as much as Norv and Jay are spreading the ball around, I'm beginning to think that no one is going to have a statistical bonanza from week to week. Wins and team stats, yes, loses and individual stats, no. What a god awful problem to have.....:D
I agree. If we are playing our game, KC will spend each play trying to figure out who we are going to give the ball to this time.
Originally posted by rafael
I agree. If we are playing our game, KC will spend each play trying to figure out who we are going to give the ball to this time.

Which is exactly why Norv's offense is so good. Unlike last season, where there were only 2 or 3 options, now Norv has up to 5 or 6 options. Will he pass it to one of the 5 eligable recievers, or will Jay take off with it? Its a thing of beauty......
no homer here.........................

i think the question should be, who is going to be our tom brady?

we have plenty of good wr's who can break that game.


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