Michigan had a doctor in their athletic department who was sexually abusing athletes. Some of the victims are middle aged men now and they protested at the school. But what they wanted was a meeting with the President.
He dodged them for a long time. I am not sure if he ever met them.
This is a bit of a rant, but the minute I heard about his behavior, I knew he had to go. That is terrible leadership, and he wasn't equipped for it. I am an attorney and acutely aware of the fear of liability. But there is a way to meet with people and express concern, etc., without admitting anything. Let them be heard. They gave their all for your school.
The people who are known as leaders take on challenges, whether it is a President of the USA or the CEO of a company. But too many "leaders" these days simply don't get it. If you take on a challenge with guts, you will be revered. Unfortunately, leaders with a spine are few and far between these days. This idiot at Michigan was one. The idiots at Boeing were others. Many more examples.