WQAM just mentioned FinHeaven!!!! | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

WQAM just mentioned FinHeaven!!!!

A/C Dorsal, you have the idea enitrely wrong and you don't understand... completely.

Do I along with the rest of the staff want this site to be succesful? Absolutely. I mean, I know for a fact that I put in AT LEAST 15 hours a week into this site, sometimes more.

However, that being said, there is nothing more that I want than for the Dolphins themselves to be successful. The staff here are staff for one simple reason, and that's because they are big time fans.

As for putting up graphics with Wanstedt at a stake or whatever, that's called immature and unprofessional, which isn't the image that we are looking for. The staff and I try very hard to create a professional image to go along the lines of professional media.

Now, does this mean we're all going to wear our rose colored glasses when we write articles or whatever? Nope. Instead we're going to be truthful and factual which isn't, sadly, positive.

I'm sorry that you have these views of this fan site. If this post didn't correct those views or clear up that misconception that we "only" care about FinHeaven, then you know where the logout button is...

Andrew Tatum
phinfever said:
Mike, that's what I was expecting when I went to the "web weekend" event, but it was nothing like that. I'm sure they'd like some control over some of the content, but they didn't even suggest it. Wannstedt's "be positive" request was the only plea from the Dolphins organization. They didn't mind us even having the Dolphins logo on our sites as long as we weren't making money off of them. The reason is that the logo belongs to the Dolphins and they use it to make money. Easily understood by all of us. The NFLCom guy did talk to us about copyrighted video clips and I had to remove my stash but you can get them on KaZaa if you want them and haven't downloaded them.

The Big O lied as is his usual custom of distorting the facts. The Dolphins in no way threatened any of us to comply to the "be positive" request by Wannstedt. They were very good to us and showed the Dolphins "class" that I expected from the organization. Every single one of us came away very impressed with the organization. They were very kind and very generous to each of us.

Also, they weren't interested in just the 1 or 2 "good ones" as there are several good quality sites out there. That's why they didn't just invite the 1 or 2 "good ones" but 19 sites. It's because we all reach many people in different areas. I would venture to say that a lot of the folks that post here visit other Dolphins sites as well. In fact, I saw a couple pictures/graphics that I made myself in this very thread. It's a compliment to me when I see my stuff floating around the different boards. FinHeaven will always make the newspaper and other media outlets as it's the largest Dolphins fans site. It's a testament to AJ, Muck, and everyone else for all the hard work put into this site.

So, the Dolphins have learned to change with the times and would like our support. We'll do the best we can and stay true to ourselves at the same time.

Great post. Totally agree. I too expected the worst. Especially after that big BBQ lunch. :lol: But the Dolphins were wonderful to us all. All they did was ENCOURAGE us. They said they hoped to see MORE fan sites pop up. And they did admit that they had no idea that the fan sites were this big a deal until rather recently. They explained to us that, as a result, they were trying to be one of the first organizations to get behind this sort of thing. And they let us know that the channels of communication were completely open.

I mean, it's no secret that the Dolphins organization is more PR sensative than most others. But in this case, they invited sites like "Bored with Losing" and "The Dolphins Make Me Cry". Not exactly the most positive of sites. But true fans all the same. And the Dolphins had NO problem bringing them, along with the rest of us. So while the team does frown upon some negativity, they didn't discourage any of us from speaking our minds or running our sites the way we feel they should be run. They just hoped that we'd do it in a well-thought out manner (which is exactly what every webmaster hopes for in regards to his board).

Finally, it's nice to have power back!! Two days without the internet almost killed me. :lol:
Muck said:
Great post. Totally agree. I too expected the worst. Especially after that big BBQ lunch. :lol: But the Dolphins were wonderful to us all. All they did was ENCOURAGE us. They said they hoped to see MORE fan sites pop up. And they did admit that they had no idea that the fan sites were this big a deal until rather recently. They explained to us that, as a result, they were trying to be one of the first organizations to get behind this sort of thing. And they let us know that the channels of communication were completely open.
I mean, it's no secret that the Dolphins organization is more PR sensative than most others. But in this case, they invited sites like "Bored with Losing" and "The Dolphins Make Me Cry". Not exactly the most positive of sites. But true fans all the same. And the Dolphins had NO problem bringing them, along with the rest of us. So while the team does frown upon some negativity, they didn't discourage any of us from speaking our minds or running our sites the way we feel they should be run. They just hoped that we'd do it in a well-thought out manner (which is exactly what every webmaster hopes for in regards to his board).
Finally, it's nice to have power back!! Two days without the internet almost killed me. :lol:
Welcome back buddy!
I for one only defend Spielman... and mostly because his moves haven't even had a real chance to demonstrate their skill. You won't find me defending Wanny. To say that I'm in the Dolphins pocket is an insult to me. I have a brain, and can think for myself... I don't need the Dolphins to tell me how to think, and even if they did I woudln't listen.
Besides... I drive a really crappy car and if I were being paid off by the 'Phins that certainly wouldn't be the case. (Wayne... if you're reading this PM me for my address that you can have the new car delivered to :chuckle: )
We all work hard on this site, and while yes I do derive satisfaction from it doing well... the only reason I get that satisfaction, is due to the fact that many people (like myself) get the majority of their 'Phins info from this site. I enjoy supporting a site that promotes discussion (positive or not) about my favorite team.

Oh, and by the way... I didn't even get any lunch... OR a tour :(
The organization does read FinHeaven. They told us that straight to our faces. :)
Muck said:
The organization does read FinHeaven. They told us that straight to our faces. :)
And who doesn't? I get over here a few times a week myself and I know of several other Dolphins webmasters who do the same.

Muck, nice getting a chance to talk to you in the hotel computer room after your Porter's event ... even though I did accuse you of "burning one" as your eyes were so red. LOL.

Going next year?
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