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2024 prediction

So let's observe then:
Assuming = Ass ( you + me)
Thus them assuming you know what assuming is means
Them assuming = you assuming ( assuming)
Ass you them + ass me them = (ass you 2 + ass you me) (ass you + ass me)
Ass you them + ass me them = ass you ^ 3 + 2 ass you ^ 2 me + ass you me ^ 2
Them = (ass you ^ 3 + 2 ass you ^ 2 me + ass you me ^ 2) / ( ass you + ass me)
So by them assuming your assumption of assuming it actually makes them a you cubed ass two ass you squared me ass you me squared by a you ass me ass.
Just remember that the next time someone brings it up. Not that I presume though.
I could not conceivably disagree more.

The interesting thing about coaches, and I've said this before, is that they develop just like young players. Hopefully, they learn from their mistakes. I certainly do NOT agree that the offense was smoke and mirrors. I believe that it was crippled by injuries. More on this in a second.


One of the difficulties that Miami had last year was OL depth. As has been said repeatedly, let's please all hope that Eichenberg never, ever starts at center again. And here's the thing that really gets me on OL from last year to this year:

They only really lost Robert Hunt.

That's it. And yes, it was a big loss to the OL, but he's a GUARD. They re-signed Wynn, Cotton, Jones and Lamm, and added Driscoll and Brewer, then Patrick Paul in the draft...plus a few UDFA who I won't pretend to know much about. But the OL is considerably deeper than last year. That's before any potential adds at the end of June.

You can talk to me all day about Brewer being a worse pass protector than Williams (And yes, he is considerably so)...but go ahead and play 8 men in the secondary. Because you know what Brewer does really ******* well? He run blocks VERY WELL in a perfect scheme for Miami. So go ahead and play 8 deep, and give up 5-6 yards a clip.

Here's the best part about the OL: They haven't actually lost Connor Williams yet. He's still a FA. And I really, really hope his knee shows progress and he signs with Miami.

Now remember that WR bit from before? The "crippled by injuries" bit? They added depth at WR, too. In 2023, the Dolphins depth beyond the #2 receiver was Cedric Wilson and Braxton Berrios.

In 2024, it's Odell Beckham Jr, Malik Washington, Braxton Berrios, Tahj Washington, River Cracraft, Erik Ezukanma, Skippy The Wonder Horse...it's gonna be difficult to make this WR room this year. No more "We just have to jam an injured Hill and Waddle for 2 seconds" defense any more.

And then there's Jonnu Smith. But that's a conversation for another day.


This conversation actually makes me angry.

I was as big a proponent of Vic Fangio coming in to the 2023 season as anyone, but allow me to sum up the majority of the Dolphin fanbase’s reaction to Fangio’s departure in two words: “Oh darn.” If you take out the Jets game (and you should, because it was started by Trevon Siemian), the Dolphins gave up an average of 423 yards per game over the last six weeks. One of those last six games was started by Will Levis, and another was played in the coldest conditions in the history of the league.

These are not ideal results from an “elite” defensive coordinator. Additionally, there were rumblings of friction with players and coaches, and that the only reason Fangio wasn’t already in Philly was because of tampering issues with Jonathan Gannon. In the end, Fangio apparently wanted to be closer to home, and is now with the Eagles.

Vic, I lived in the Philly area for a long time. I understand an affinity for the area, and some of the best food on the planet is in that locale. But if you wanted more out of your defensive players, maybe give them the common courtesy of stepping down out of your ******* GLASS CASTLE SKYBOX and interact them with on game day, you old curmudgeonly dick.

I hope you enjoy your panzerottis, ***hole.

Anyway. More to the point, I firmly believe that Weaver will implement a 3-3-5 defense and rotate DL like crazy. I think Sieler gets a ton of snaps, and the rest will be rotated toward their strengths as the season goes on. Yes, I agree that there will be a learning curve.


I also believe that Weaver's defense allows tremendous blitzing opportunities, and that is one of the reasons I wanted Chop Robinson from the get-go. And I think it'll get nastier and nastier as the year goes on.

Finally, I believe there are at least two more signings left for Miami.

I know everyone wants Risner. And I agree.

I know everyone wants Justin Simmons. And I agree.

I also want Jamal Adams if he can be signed really cheap.

I don't think you're showing much balance. You're presenting the most pro-Dolphins / optimistic take on literally every issue. That's fine in a Dolphins message board but it's not realistic and you'd laugh if some other person said such things of their team. We all want a bright future but we shouldn't expect the Dolphins to get lucky and win the lottery in every single area of concern.

Here are a few examples:

You claim that Miami's issues last year stemmed from the depth on the OL yet you list a bunch of fixes who are players that everyone already knows because they've been Dolphins for awhile. You can't "upgrade" a situation when the roster is basically staying the same.

You assume Miami's going to run it down the throat of defenses playing light boxes when we know for a fact Miami continually went with a balanced (if not sometimes pass-happy) approach last season. We are a quick-passing team with speed at RB, not the run-it-down-your-throat offense so many imagine we are.

You cite depth at WR when that wasn't our problem. I already pointed out that it wasn't Sherfield, Wilson, Cracraft or Berrios who under-performed but McDaniel & Tua who didn't target them. Those guys mostly all performed better overall (with the same YPC averages) on their prior teams. Miami fans were excited by every one of those additions when they came in but we never involved them enough for them to matter much.

Truth is, the WR3 thing has never been a talent problem--it's being able to possess the ball enough for Tua to rise from being a 550-attempt QB to being a 600+ attempt QB who spread it around. Upgrading the talent at WR3-6 is not going to fix the issue of stalled drives as much as an overall evolution in the offense itself. Either that or we take targets away from Tyreek which I don't see happening by any wide margin.

Players having an issue with coaches is not a good sign for anyone involved. Calling Vic Fangio names doesn't tell us that Cam Smith is a good CB or make Holland into a Safety who's worth a bunch of money. At the end of the day, Jalen Ramsey had no issue standing out in the Fangio defense nor did anyone on the DL, so I don't give anyone else a pass just because they posted a snarky video.
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I don't think you're showing much balance in your assessment. You're choosing the most optimistic take on every issue and blaming who you want to blame because it fits your narrative--one that serves the future as bright and cheerful.

Here are a few examples:

You claim that Miami's issues last year stemmed from the depth on the OL yet you list a bunch of names everyone knows as being part of the fix. You can't "upgrade" a situation when the roster is basically staying the same.

You assume Miami's going to run it down the throat of defenses playing light boxes when we know for a fact Miami continually went with a balanced (if not sometimes pass-happy) approach last season. We are a quick-passing team with speed at RB, not the run-it-down-your-throat offense so many imagine we are.

You cite depth at WR when that wasn't our problem. I already pointed out that it wasn't Sherfield, Wilson, Cracraft or Berrios who under-performed but McDaniel & Tua who didn't target them. Those guys mostly all performed at the same lever in Miami as with their prior teams (based on YPC averages). Miami fans were excited by every one of those guys but we never involved them enough for them to matter much.

Until we consistently start throwing to the WR depth, it's going to make very little difference who comes and goes. Wilson wasn't an improvement over Sherfield. Cracraft hasn't really done anything. Berrios had all the potential but was thrown to 1/2 as much in Miami as he was in NY.

The WR3 thing has never been a talent problem.

Players having an issue with coaches is not a good sign for anyone involved. Calling Vic Fangio names doesn't tell us that Cam Smith is a good CB or make Holland into a Safety who's worth a bunch of money. At the end of the day, Jalen Ramsey had no issue standing out in the Fangio defense so I don't give anyone else a pass.

Perhaps I didn't explain my narrative properly. Here's something I didn't think I'd have to explain on a Miami Dolphins Fan Board.

I'm a Miami Dolphins fan.

I'm in no way suggesting that anyone else here isn't a fan, but there's absolutely no way I'm going to ever feel the need to justify being optimistic, bright and cheerful. Being "fair and balanced" is something for (some) news media outlets to worry about, not me...at least not here. Hell, I didn't even tell AvigatorX he was wrong or presenting his opinion unfairly...I simply said I strongly disagreed with him. I certainly don't think I was unkind.

Just a couple quick bits on your other points:

1) When Miami's OL was healthy, it was playing *well*. And yes, they signed many of the people from last year back. They also added three new pieces, and I believe they'll add at least one more. The 2024 line is going to be deeper than it was in 2023. Hopefully this way, they won't randomly have to sign people like Jonotthan Harris off the street and have him play in two games.

2) If defenses "flood the secondary with defenders and use a 3-man front" (not my term), then Miami had better goddamn run the ball. The 2024 OL is made to run block first. This goes back to my point about "coaches learning as well as players." Miami was right in the middle of the league in both rushing attempts and rush/pass percentage last year. If opposing defenses start flooding their secondaries to stop Tua/Hill/Waddle/et al, you'll hear me screaming about running the ball more just like I've done for the past two years. It's not even a "run the ball down their throats" thing. It's a "hit 'em where they ain't" thing.

3) The WR3 thing is just silly. You just can't dismiss the WR3 position entirely by saying "it's not a talent problem because they weren't targeted." You can certainly ask why they weren't targeted. Tyreek Hill was very good at getting open last year. Waddle was good. Berrios and Cedric Wilson were not. OBJ was nearly as good as Waddle. If you're not willing to concede that OBJ, Malik Washington and Berrios are not only better options at WR3 than Wilson, Berrios and Cracraft, but also offer depth for both Hill and Waddle...then we should probably just leave this alone.

4) I agree with the "coaches/players having issues is never a good thing" bit, but I'm also very much a fan of the Raylan Givens "If you run into an asshole in the morning" bit. If multiple sources have suggested that not only a considerable number of players (including Ramsey) seemed to have an issue with Fangio, but also some of the coaches...the problem was probably Fangio.
Perhaps I didn't explain my narrative properly. Here's something I didn't think I'd have to explain on a Miami Dolphins Fan Board.

I'm a Miami Dolphins fan.

I'm in no way suggesting that anyone else here isn't a fan, but there's absolutely no way I'm going to ever feel the need to justify being optimistic, bright and cheerful. Being "fair and balanced" is something for (some) news media outlets to worry about, not me...at least not here. Hell, I didn't even tell AvigatorX he was wrong or presenting his opinion unfairly...I simply said I strongly disagreed with him. I certainly don't think I was unkind.

Just a couple quick bits on your other points:

1) When Miami's OL was healthy, it was playing *well*. And yes, they signed many of the people from last year back. They also added three new pieces, and I believe they'll add at least one more. The 2024 line is going to be deeper than it was in 2023. Hopefully this way, they won't randomly have to sign people like Jonotthan Harris off the street and have him play in two games.

2) If defenses "flood the secondary with defenders and use a 3-man front" (not my term), then Miami had better goddamn run the ball. The 2024 OL is made to run block first. This goes back to my point about "coaches learning as well as players." Miami was right in the middle of the league in both rushing attempts and rush/pass percentage last year. If opposing defenses start flooding their secondaries to stop Tua/Hill/Waddle/et al, you'll hear me screaming about running the ball more just like I've done for the past two years. It's not even a "run the ball down their throats" thing. It's a "hit 'em where they ain't" thing.

3) The WR3 thing is just silly. You just can't dismiss the WR3 position entirely by saying "it's not a talent problem because they weren't targeted." You can certainly ask why they weren't targeted. Tyreek Hill was very good at getting open last year. Waddle was good. Berrios and Cedric Wilson were not. OBJ was nearly as good as Waddle. If you're not willing to concede that OBJ, Malik Washington and Berrios are not only better options at WR3 than Wilson, Berrios and Cracraft, but also offer depth for both Hill and Waddle...then we should probably just leave this alone.

4) I agree with the "coaches/players having issues is never a good thing" bit, but I'm also very much a fan of the Raylan Givens "If you run into an asshole in the morning" bit. If multiple sources have suggested that not only a considerable number of players (including Ramsey) seemed to have an issue with Fangio, but also some of the coaches...the problem was probably Fangio.

We're all fans. The question is whether some go too far and becomes homers. The bad thing about a homer is they live in a delusion until they're unable to tell fact from fiction because they spend their whole time telling optimistic lies.

I'm not calling you a liar or a homer but it's a path down which you don't want to go. There's more long-term value in being a rational observer who's willing to critique the team on fair terms.


You lost your two best interior pieces on the OL. Yes, the early season went pretty well, but you replaced Williams with someone who has to prove he's as good and you didn't replace Hunt at all. The entire left side is pretty injury-prone, too. Let's be honest about that. How many games do you think Armstead and Wynn are going to play? Do you feel fine or are you assuming a better Guard is still yet to be signed? How are you going to feel if that doesn't happen? What if Wynn goes down again? What if Eichenberg and Jones really are your starters.....are you honestly cool with that? Are you going to argue the OL is fixed as it currently stands?

McDaniel hasn't shown a propensity to run the ball unless it's getting big gains on the ground. Yes, there have been a few games where Miami's consistently run but those have been the exceptions (e.g. vs Cleveland in '22). McDaniel seems to side with the "YPA > YPC" approach and really doesn't force the run. This has been a major knock. You can't be optimistic until you see a fix occur.

Look, I laid it out. The WRs we had all averaged the same yards-per-catch on their previous teams. They didn't get worse in Miami. They were just used less. That's not a talent issue. That's an issue with involvement. Tua doesn't throw much. 560 passing attempts isn't much in modern football. Miami isn't going to get a ton of production from it's WR3-6 unless Tua starts throwing it more (which goes against #2).

I'm done on this topic. Have fun bashing Fangio. That's your take. Not mine.
We're all fans. The question is whether some go too far and becomes homers. The bad thing about a homer is they live in a delusion until they're unable to tell fact from fiction because they spend their whole time telling optimistic lies.

I'm not calling you a liar or a homer but it's a path down which you don't want to go. There's more long-term value in being a rational observer who's willing to critique the team on fair terms.


You lost your two best interior pieces on the OL. Yes, the early season went pretty well, but you replaced Williams with someone who has to prove he's as good and you didn't replace Hunt at all. The entire left side is pretty injury-prone, too. Let's be honest about that. How many games do you think Armstead and Wynn are going to play? Do you feel fine or are you assuming a better Guard is still yet to be signed? How are you going to feel if that doesn't happen? What if Wynn goes down again? What if Eichenberg and Jones really are your starters.....are you honestly cool with that? Are you going to argue the OL is fixed as it currently stands?

McDaniel hasn't shown a propensity to run the ball unless it's getting big gains on the ground. Yes, there have been a few games where Miami's consistently run but those have been the exceptions (e.g. vs Cleveland in '22). McDaniel seems to side with the "YPA > YPC" approach and really doesn't force the run. This has been a major knock. You can't be optimistic until you see a fix occur.

Look, I laid it out. The WRs we had all averaged the same yards-per-catch on their previous teams. They didn't get worse in Miami. They were just used less. That's not a talent issue. That's an issue with involvement. Tua doesn't throw much. 560 passing attempts isn't much in modern football. Miami isn't going to get a ton of production from it's WR3-6 unless Tua starts throwing it more (which goes against #2).

I'm done on this topic. Have fun bashing Fangio. That's your take. Not mine.

You do you, my friend.

But good God, do I hate the "rose-colored glasses" narrative. That's the easy way out for "realists" (which they never are, they're just using that term to falsely color their negative opinion.) Of course, I'm not accusing you of being that.

"If you don't agree with my 'facts,' (which are never, ever facts, they're just strongly expressed opinions), you're a delusional rose-colored glasses wearing homer!"

That's an equally delusional path that you don't want to head down. That road leads to Barry Cunningham and clickbait engagement.
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You do you, my friend.

But good God, do I hate the "rose-colored glasses" narrative. That's the easy way out for "realists" (which they never are, they're just using that term to falsely color their negative opinion.) Of course, I'm not accusing you of being that.

"If you don't agree with my 'facts,' (which are never, ever facts, they're just strongly expressed opinions), you're a delusional rose-colored glasses wearing homer!"

That's an equally delusional path that you don't want to head down. That road leads to Barry Cunningham and clickbait engagement.

"Realists" are just delusional lemmings w/ Grand Canyon sized egos.
alright @GBpackers10 , we play against you this year right? If so 1-0

Next sweep the division 6-0 unreal, yes its our year! And yes I am saying we beat the Bills twice too

We will inevitably stink against 2 teams this year we ought to have beaten, infuriating everyone on this site..... so 6-2

There has to then be about 4 easy wins....10-2

we also go 3-2 against the other contenders and I'll stick to this prediction.....

alright @GBpackers10 , we play against you this year right? If so 1-0

Next sweep the division 6-0 unreal, yes its our year! And yes I am saying we beat the Bills twice too

We will inevitably stink against 2 teams this year we ought to have beaten, infuriating everyone on this site..... so 6-2

There has to then be about 4 easy wins....10-2

we also go 3-2 against the other contenders and I'll stick to this prediction.....

Yes Thanksgiving night!
After the released schedule, I'm changing my estimate to 12-10 wins this season. Was 11-9 wins. Upped by one. Playoffs and then we'll see. We must win one or massive chaos settles in.

(Edited: Fixed typo)
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After the released schedule, I'm changing my estimate to 12-10 wins this season. Was 11-9 wins. Upped by one. Playoffs and then we'll see. We must win one or visits chaos settles in.
Im inclined to bump my prediction as well, but I REALLY need to see these guys play first.
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