Chris Grier Was A Greek God this Week | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Chris Grier Was A Greek God this Week


2024/2025 NFL Superbowl Champions!!!
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Mar 12, 2003
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Have you ever taken that morning dump that's so good you can almost hear your ancestors cheering and your toilet should make slot machine victory noises? Yeah, Chris Grier took one of those on the front door floor matts of his doubters this week.

Speak on it here.
Personally I really like what he did. He started setting things up a few years ago with the contracts he made always giving himself, well the team options to get out of contracts of players that played out their contracts.
Could he have retained some of the players we lost, sure, but the flexibility would have disappeared with it. I also believe that Chris doesn't pick the players, I believe it is the coaching staff that has final say. If Anthony Weaver wanted Wilkins or AVG or anyone else I am sure in the the thought we would have gotten them back in the fold.
I really think over the last five years he's been as good as anyone. I also believe that it's hard to build a team, but it gets easier to maintain it once you have. Guys like Howie Roseman in Philadelphia have the luxury of taking the best player available almost every time and it just improves a stacked team. It's hard to win a superbowl, so much has to go right. Pittsburgh and Baltimore should be good models for us. They consistently have young talented players stepping up, especially on Defense and part of that is scheme continuity. San Francisco is a good example with Kyle Shanahan's insistence of sticking with the Seattle defense. Coordinators come and go, and add their own flavor, but the scheme continuity is there, and that makes it much easier for the GM to find guys to fit the scheme in later rounds.
I hope we're going to get to that point eventually, where we have an identity on both Offense and Defense, and everyone knows what a Miami style player is.
I definitely was anxious about it all at first because I saw the storm before him....however he sure buckled down and sailed right on through it.

Even if some will not be content until the results are this point in time in the season you are usually dealing in hope....and giving us hope for a great season ahead is definitely something to be thankful for.
zeus GIF
Did you really delete my post? If so, grow thick skin. It was a joke. Nice to see fascism is present on this board. And yes, I used the word correctly as opposed to most people who throw the word around and don't understand the meaning of it. Though, fascism isn't right wing. It has always been a left wing practice.

Anyhow, it is unbelievable that you are triggered by a joke post about our mediocre GM. You make an incredibly crass first post on this thread and you have a problem with what I posted?

I don’t think you know what fascism means

You definitely don’t know the difference between Latin and Greek
I know the difference between Latin and Greek. Perhaps Screwitupoulos Incompetentadopoulos is more to your liking. Either way, I was being facetious. I am also well aware what fascism means.
Deleted now a third post from you. You can either stop with the negativity and whining or I can bounce you from this area of the site entirely. Which one do you want?
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