How can we improve MM for next year ? | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How can we improve MM for next year ?

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I thought about judges too; many TV shows use them, but their judges are celebrities and/or experts. If we can build the tournament maybe we could eventually establish some judges. That would be fantastic! But IMO we are not ready for that yet.

I don't like counting likes, each person should get one vote, not 100 likes for their fave.

My story is a little different...

I saw the MM threads and I was asked to vote for some friends. I just never knew how you got invited to play. I seemed very cliquish, and I wasn't in the clique. I don't like the arguments and ignorance in the main, so I joined "VIP" and still would get ignored. Partly because I'm west coast so I would be last to comment on a dead thread. I had 0 likes and I didn't know if anyone knew I was here. When VIP changed to The Club, I got "VIP Alumni" badge! and I just could not believe it. I thanked @fishfanmiami for the badge. Later he PM'd me and asked me to play MM "WHO.....ME?" lol

Confused by the name: let's rename it, just like we did VIP.
Flying under the radar: Year around info thread promoting Tournament activities and schedules. Add new events.
"Anything Goes": Written set of guidelines and a game official just in case.

A few things can happen when I am posting... Sometimes I forget I posted something already, or my clicker didn't copy a new address and still has an old one on it and I get a duplicate, that happens a lot. Then I either have to spend time correcting or just leave it in. Unintentional mostly and a bit sloppy. I'm running low on material so I post an old one so I don't get behind. OR I'm gonna bury this guy with crap so he'll quit and hopefully nobody noticed or cares... which is legal for now.

Can the voting be opened on day 2?

Good Discussion!

Richmond I remember making you a few gifs your first time and giving you some of the basics. You even won a battle or two that first try and you were hooked on it.
You had just started posting in the lounge and since then you have been one of the best posters there, Remember ?

Now you are in finals and that is how it goes. Every year you get better and better

The older guys retire and now you guys are the lead dogs

After you win all the awards hopefully new posters get the fever and take your place when you retire from events
Good points brother but consider this

Yes having lots of friends on here is a big advance because as I mentioned before many of the votes including some of yours came from people who had no interest in seeing boobies or jokes and just vote on a name they know from the forum

Should they not be allowed to vote ? The answer is be active and friendly in the main and lounge forum and before you know it you'll have lots of people who know your name

This contest if you want to go far involves getting people who are not even paying attention to vote for you

That is why you put a link to vote in your sig. People on the main forum and Lounge see you posting there but don't have time to check out the battle and just throw you a vote

We use to call it Vote Whoring when Bumpus did it


He wisely posted in every thread in the main and other forums with a Link to his battle and a vote for Bumpus sign in his sig

It is an imperfect event and will always be so. You can criticize it which is fine but the guys that go fair use every possible way to get votes

Pandering , kissing babies , handing out cigars , Vote whoring and then also do a creative job in the battles and win that too.

It is what it is so embrace it if you want to play and win.

All true and valid bro....but...heres the but 😂....but if your trying to balance things out, then you have to get in there and change it up, or else you're just back to square one essentially, since all you did was window dressing.

Think of it like a game patch. Sometimes the patch nerfs things and pisses a set of people off used to relying on that over powered ability, sometimes it makes things worse by accident if your not careful, sometimes though you get it right and it gets things more balanced for all.

But the intentions are to kill the bugs in the game and smooth out the experience so all players can benefit and be entertained, along with the spectators (like in pro gaming).
@ing people shouldnt be allowed in competition. Im guilty of it, having learned it from others, but it should be discontinued in competition.

You can't compete properly with that going on, because unless you have the time to get to know people, and what they like or what you can do aka pander to them etc., it's not a fair practice. Some members have time to mingle past the main with a bunch of people, some dont, but if your trying to balance the game out, @ing people is way over in Super Contra having that homing rocket launcher machine gun (those that know this reference know what i mean).
What is @ing people? @ing = notify

SALAD TOSSING!!!! A** LICKING Yes it's legal to play me my favorite song and @RichmondWeb (notify) me to come and listen to it. Better yet pander to A-list FH Elites and encourage them to recruit votes. All legal and part of the "social game" is it admirable? Or good sportsmanship? Not to me. This is a popularity contest... The less-so the better! IMO

So you recommend a ban on notifications? Definitely food for thought!

As of now it is up to the notifyee whether to vote for that or not.

Ethics: Is winning by snowing, salad tossing, networking, and Intimidation and Abuse a respectable accomplishment here on Finheaven? is it fun for all? Is it good for the Site?
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Richmond I remember making you a few gifs your first time and giving you some of the basics. You even won a battle or two that first try and you were hooked on it.
You had just started posting in the lounge and since then you have been one of the best posters there, Remember ?

Now you are in finals and that is how it goes. Every year you get better and better

The older guys retire and now you guys are the lead dogs

After you win all the awards hopefully new posters get the fever and take your place when you retire from events
Yes, I do remember. I was frightened at first but I put myself out there and began to build a reputation like you and so many others have done over the years. I have had some bumps in the road but I have slowly built connections with people here and I can't think of any bad ones. I have learned that you have to do the work and it will pay off... Richley!

So Thank You for the kick-start. Now it's time for me to pay it forward... I look forward to helping frost the MM Cake!

Excited Happy Birthday GIF by Mickey Mouse
If you are a dick to people in the main and have no friends on here you'll probably lose no matter what you post. This is true

Make some friends is my advice. It's good for the soul and helpful in site events

The One Where Estelle Dies Episode 15 GIF by Friends

The only way it would be totally 100% nonbiased is if we assigned everyone a number and did not show who each number was

Not much fun if you ask me

Anyways guys thanks for the suggestions now let's support the guys in the finals that starts tonight at 6PM est.
If you are a dick to people in the main and have no friends on here you'll probably lose no matter what you post. This is true

Make some friends is my advice. It's good for the soul and helpful in site events

The One Where Estelle Dies Episode 15 GIF by Friends

The only way it would be totally 100% nonbiased is if we assigned everyone a number and did not show who each number was

Not much fun if you ask me

Anyways guys thanks for the suggestions now let's support the guys in the finals that starts tonight at 6PM est.

Thanks for further explaining things bro... (7).gif

Well what about the dick aspect? Like my opponent came at me and drew first blood. I tried to ignore it but it didn't matter. I then struck back. But instead of trading blow for blow, the opponent came back with an attitude of 'why are you mocking me, what did I do to you?'....naturally this set me off because I came to look at it like now your trying to insinuate I (mage) am the big try and gain pity votes (from my perspective)...I came back with an 'everyone has problems, even worse than you would know, no reason to go dishonorable here' comment to try and snap things back to reality...

so later opponent struck first again, even harder this time... i already figured this would happen...I couldn't ignore it after a certain point so I once again hit back only to told that I was going sideways with it by the all I'm reading is...'I can strike you however *I* like...but you can only strike me back under what *I* deem acceptable'...which is total nonsense.

....and so the deal here is...what might be ok and funny to you, isn't necessarily funny and ok to another when you strike directly towards a person like that... so if you get told off and told to basically 'go f yourself', don't act appalled and have a 'wth man?!?!' attitude if you struck first and started it...much less after you saw that your opponent was not vibing with your actions the first time you did it... and then you have the audacity to come back and start up again?...

That's why I highly, highly suggest to personally avoid that stuff with friends, because it's easy for things to get toxic and ruin things...

I see 3 possible solutions as of right now (maybe more later?)...

1. strict moderation and clear rules outlining what can and can't be done (which right now I think it's up to interpretation too much)
2. Both competitors either agree before the battle to allow personal attacks or agree to not engage in such behavior
3. Outlaw it completely and/or have a separate competition for that stuff

I don't know Fish maybe I am way off base here when it comes to this but I'm trying to figure it out...All I know is my mentality has always been...

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If you are a dick to people in the main and have no friends on here you'll probably lose no matter what you post. This is true

Make some friends is my advice. It's good for the soul and helpful in site events

The One Where Estelle Dies Episode 15 GIF by Friends

The only way it would be totally 100% nonbiased is if we assigned everyone a number and did not show who each number was

Not much fun if you ask me

Anyways guys thanks for the suggestions now let's support the guys in the finals that starts tonight at 6PM est.
Life is too short to be a dick. Kill them with kindness. :ffic:
Random thoughts

* somehow entice some of the vets to participate in a mini FHMM. Impression is they drop out because of the grind. Many of the newer guys would like to see the vets go head to head or like me would like to go against a former champ.

* Could also make it a doubles tournament so the weight doesn’t fall on one poster

* more encouragement from organizers to voters to chose based on merit. It’s frustrating to open a battle and see someone posting their heart out but losing by six even though opponent hasn’t shown up yet.

* condition of participation should be to vote in every battle. It doesn’t always take reading every page of a battle to know where your vote should go

* no ideas how yet but more outside interest is needed to one blow the roof off FHMM. It’s not a stretch that FHMM participants would try even harder if their work had more eyes on it.

* More FHMM medals might help generate interest. Example ROY FHMM 2023 or FHMM MT 2023 (given annually to posters who can’t seem to get out of Sweet 16)

* Not a fan of the separate battle threads. Some good points for it, but I need the interaction to get ideas flowing.

* I’ll end with how well FHMM builds up bromances (online friendships if you are a homophobe and can’t admit Brad Pitt is incredibly good looking)
It is a battle of attrition and very time-consuming. I don't participate partly because of the grind but also the fact I have a unique talent that isn't really fair. I can chop the shlt out of anything pretty quickly with Photoshop, it's hard to compete against that in a live battle.

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