How can we improve MM for next year ? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How can we improve MM for next year ?

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Some members don't look at the battles but want to support the event and vote for someone they know as a great poster here

Many do not care for the adult nature of the posts and may just pick a name they know and not go past the first page poll

Also lots of us vote for who ever is behind So if a guy hasn't post much he may still get some votes at the end

You are also gonna support guys that have done the same for you in the past. That is human nature and why it will never be a perfect best man aways wins event but it's still a lot of fun

We'll see you again next year Doc
To me, I think with the 60K members we have to have a top notch battle only getting at most 60 votes is borderline offensive. I think we need to market the snot out of MM. I know Fish and Danny do their best but I think the title itself is what causes confusion. I don't follow tree hockey (since the MJ Bulls) so it took me being bored one day to even figure out what MM is and why I wanted to participate. I would consider changing it to The King of The Nuthouse sponsored by Loco's Taco Wagon.

Seriously though, I think whoever is the most youtube literate needs to do a scrolling video of the best of MM that we can use throughout the year to market in threads so that we get the word out on how great it is. Encourage participation and voting in some manner. I think if done in the right way, this will cause a nice spike in offseason site traffic which could lead to more donations. The key point to me, is highlighting MM during the actual NFL season before everyone vanishes. Then tie that to a Mailchimp style Email blast to all members reminding them they are missing the fun and maybe feature the craziest post of the day. I think we could all brainstorm on this and come up with some killer ideas.
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The E mail blast to all the members is a no go

Last time we did that it shut down the site ask @NY8123

Of the 60k members only a few hundred are actually active here daily

We will try to promote it better next year in the months leading up to it. Thanks for the suggestions :UP:
Let the user base elect to receive Emails? Just a thought. It;s doable but you want them to be able to opt in and out.

Another thought is with Henrik's and other's connections to the team, see if we can get a shout out on Dolphins twitter about it and name the brackets after current players. Maybe let a player be the judge of the champ or something. Cheetah would do it.
To me, I think with the 60K members we have to have a top notch battle only getting at most 60 votes is borderline offensive. I think we need to market the snot out of MM. I know Fish and Danny do their best but I think the title itself is what causes confusion. I don't follow tree hockey (since the MJ Bulls) so it took me being bored one day to even figure out what MM is and why I wanted to participate. I would consider changing it to The King of The Nuthouse sponsored by Loco's Taco Wagon.

Seriously though, I think whoever is the most youtube literate needs to do a scrolling video of the best of MM that we can use throughout the year to market in threads so that we get the word out on how great it is. Encourage participation and voting in some manner. I think if done in the right way, this will cause a nice spike in offseason site traffic which could lead to more donations. The key point to me, is highlighting MM during the actual NFL season before everyone vanishes. Then tie that to a Mailchimp style Email blast to all members reminding them they are missing the fun and maybe feature the craziest post of the day. I think we could all brainstorm on this and come up with some killer ideas.
Never and I mean never send an email blast to all members. This did not turn out well for the site 🤣 🤣 🤣
Never and I mean never send an email blast to all members. This did not turn out well for the site 🤣 🤣 🤣
Right, offer them the opportunity to opt in to the Emails as well as in each Email an option to unsubscribe if needed. Fairly common practice.
Like fish said, there is no perfect way that would make everyone happy but this is good that people are bringing some ideas. First time I was asked to do this my response was that I didn’t watch college hoops he explained to me what it was but he told me that I had done it before and I told him no way......then he went searching and found that somebody had actually included me on it without me knowing and yes, I got a few votes without even posting or knowing that I was participating

that was some years ago and things have changed.
Right, offer them the opportunity to opt in to the Emails as well as in each Email an option to unsubscribe if needed. Fairly common practice.
Never and I mean never send an email to all members. It does not turn out well for the site. Last time this happened Google flagged us as a SPAMer and blocked all access to any servers.

It took seven donkeys, five men, three midgets, multiple phone calls and several strongly worded emails to even get them to turn us back on. It was almost the end of Finheaven. WAS NOT GOOD!!!!
So I kept an eye on all the battles since I was a first timer, and wasn’t sure about how things worked.
Personally, I think the voting process is pretty bad to beyond horrible!
Contestants had votes for them and hadn’t even posted any material yet?? WTF!
Where’s the fairness in this?
Contestants put a lot of time into this searching for material, and some were basically defeated from the get go, as it felt more like a popularity contest than a post battle.
It’s the equivalent to Dolphins Playing the Bills and their down 14 to 0 without touching the ball.

I would suggest count the likes/loves/laughs/wow emojis of the posts at the end.
Sure, that would take some time to go through, but I think that would be a better process or create a panel of judges to vote.
(Idk, just throwing my worthless 2 cents in)
Anyways, I had fun posting and interacting with other members and would do it again.
Your opinion is definitely not worthless
A few thoughts here...(I'll have more probably later on)

@ing people shouldnt be allowed in competition. Im guilty of it, having learned it from others, but it should be discontinued in competition.

You can't compete properly with that going on, because unless you have the time to get to know people, and what they like or what you can do aka pander to them etc., it's not a fair practice. Some members have time to mingle past the main with a bunch of people, some dont, but if your trying to balance the game out, @ing people is way over in Super Contra having that homing rocket launcher machine gun (those that know this reference know what i mean).

It's too 'politician' centric if you know what I mean. In the end it amounts to kissing ass, and popularity due to said ass kissing, instead of actual votes for content and effort (which it takes time to find things that are decent and as the saying goes, time is infinitely valuable).

If you want more people to come in and see what competitors have posted, by all means the moderators of said competition should advertise, advertise, advertise.

If fears of being drowned out are legitimate then each should have a time frame to post for example pre-competition one guy says 'Im here from 4pm to 7pm' and other guy choses his time slot say from '9am to 12 pm'

...Or a post count such as one page is 15 posts right? one guy gets 15, then the other...strict adherence is expected... Would be a little more work for mods to referree but in the end would balance things better.

Lastly, if you want to talk **** about your opponents instead of focusing on who has the better content of pics, jokes and music/movies, you should be in a separate competition entirely for 'Roasting'. Like make a roasting category competition if your into that. So if people want to see infighting they can 'ohhh and ahhh' and go 'oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh that dogg said that ohhhhhhhhhhhh' ....'fight fight fight fight fight'....over there in that specific competition because IMHO it derails an honorable competition and good quality vibes... and turns it into a toxic mess.

For now thats what I see...
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To me, I think with the 60K members we have to have a top notch battle only getting at most 60 votes is borderline offensive. I think we need to market the snot out of MM. I know Fish and Danny do their best but I think the title itself is what causes confusion. I don't follow tree hockey (since the MJ Bulls) so it took me being bored one day to even figure out what MM is and why I wanted to participate. I would consider changing it to The King of The Nuthouse sponsored by Loco's Taco Wagon.

Seriously though, I think whoever is the most youtube literate needs to do a scrolling video of the best of MM that we can use throughout the year to market in threads so that we get the word out on how great it is. Encourage participation and voting in some manner. I think if done in the right way, this will cause a nice spike in offseason site traffic which could lead to more donations. The key point to me, is highlighting MM during the actual NFL season before everyone vanishes. Then tie that to a Mailchimp style Email blast to all members reminding them they are missing the fun and maybe feature the craziest post of the day. I think we could all brainstorm on this and come up with some killer ideas.
I see 127k members , where are you seeing 60k?
I would suggest count the likes/loves/laughs/wow emojis of the posts at the end.
Sure, that would take some time to go through, but I think that would be a better process or create a panel of judges to vote.
(Idk, just throwing my worthless 2 cents in)
Anyways, I had fun posting and interacting with other members and would do it again.
I thought about judges too; many TV shows use them, but their judges are celebrities and/or experts. If we can build the tournament maybe we could eventually establish some judges. That would be fantastic! But IMO we are not ready for that yet.

I don't like counting likes, each person should get one vote, not 100 likes for their fave.
Like fish said, there is no perfect way that would make everyone happy but this is good that people are bringing some ideas. First time I was asked to do this my response was that I didn’t watch college hoops he explained to me what it was but he told me that I had done it before and I told him no way......then he went searching and found that somebody had actually included me on it without me knowing and yes, I got a few votes without even posting or knowing that I was participating
My story is a little different...

I saw the MM threads and I was asked to vote for some friends. I just never knew how you got invited to play. I seemed very cliquish, and I wasn't in the clique. I don't like the arguments and ignorance in the main, so I joined "VIP" and still would get ignored. Partly because I'm west coast so I would be last to comment on a dead thread. I had 0 likes and I didn't know if anyone knew I was here. When VIP changed to The Club, I got "VIP Alumni" badge! and I just could not believe it. I thanked @fishfanmiami for the badge. Later he PM'd me and asked me to play MM "WHO.....ME?" lol

Confused by the name: let's rename it, just like we did VIP.
Flying under the radar: Year around info thread promoting Tournament activities and schedules. Add new events.
"Anything Goes": Written set of guidelines and a game official just in case.

As strictly a spectator and one that has voted actively I do not want separate threads for battles. I do however fully endorse limiting the amount of posts in some way as IMO quality is much better than quantity. Some of the threads I have ventured into even has the same person posting the same thing more than once.

A few things can happen when I am posting... Sometimes I forget I posted something already, or my clicker didn't copy a new address and still has an old one on it and I get a duplicate, that happens a lot. Then I either have to spend time correcting or just leave it in. Unintentional mostly and a bit sloppy. I'm running low on material so I post an old one so I don't get behind. OR I'm gonna bury this guy with crap so he'll quit and hopefully nobody noticed or cares... which is legal for now.

Contestants had votes for them and hadn’t even posted any material yet?? WTF!
Where’s the fairness in this?

Can the voting be opened on day 2?

Good Discussion!
Good points brother Mage but consider this

Yes having lots of friends on here is a big advance because as I mentioned before many of the votes including some of yours came from people who had no interest in seeing boobies or jokes and just vote on a name they know from the forum

Should they not be allowed to vote ? The answer is be active and friendly in the main and lounge forum and before you know it you'll have lots of people who know your name

This contest if you want to go far involves getting people who are not even paying attention to vote for you

That is why you put a link to vote in your sig. People on the main forum and Lounge see you posting there but don't have time to check out the battle and just throw you a vote

We use to call it Vote Whoring when Bumpus did it


He wisely posted in every thread in the main and other forums with a Link to his battle and a vote for Bumpus sign in his sig

It is an imperfect event and will always be so. You can criticize it which is fine but the guys that go fair use every possible way to get votes

Pandering , kissing babies , handing out cigars , Vote whoring and then also do a creative job in the battles and win that too.

It is what it is so embrace it if you want to play and win.
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