Important Forum News! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Important Forum News!


FinHeaven Lives
Sep 2, 2001
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Fellow Members:

The FinHeaven & Co Forums will be shut down at 10pm EST tonight. Sorry for the short notice; however, it's very important.

You see, many new, great features have to be added to the forums! Additionally, the new features will allow the forum to be much faster.

It's impossible to full explain the new features that the store will offer. However, I will say that, sadly, the store will not be operational for quite some time.

More news will come when the new forum is up!

Thank you for your understanding...

Andrew Tatum
Thanks. A.J. did a great job. We're not done yet. Lots of stuff left to do. So hang tight and we'll get everything looking the way it should. But the bulk of things is finished.
Good job AJ!

I didnt even want to contact you tonight for fear of getting my legs hacked off, since u were so busy and all and did NOT want to be interrupted....

Well done!
Site looks awesome AJ. Excellent job, as usual. Take care.

Change is goodChange is goodChange is goodChange is goodChange is good .

Looks great guys!
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