Welcome all to FHMM 2023 | Page 16 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Welcome all to FHMM 2023

@Mindtornado said:
"Both are worthy, but a Webb vs. Bear FHMM battle???
You’d need to start special fundraiser to upgrade servers. It would be at 100+ pages the first day."

LOL... but

That's not my game. I'm all about QUALITY over QUANTITY. Some posters will try to snow-in their opponent with dozens of pages of boring "meh" material hoping that they will quit, or that enough voters will skim through the posts and vote for the poster with the most material. I would rather lose than win that way; I am doing this because I enjoy sharing material and entertaining people. Fortunately, the Voters usually get it right and award the win to the best overall effort.

I am really looking forward to the matchup with @Fred Bear.

How do you post that on the thread?
Theres a share thing down at the bottom and I just copied it and threw it here and it worked...I just wasn't sure if it'd show because it just shows the link, not the video, but yeah once you post it, it does show the video. Kinda like a youtube video...
I moved this discussion to it's own thread so not to interfere with the ongoing battles

Some good points were made however halfway through the final four battle is not the time for change

Please chime in on ways to make this better for next season

I like to mix in advice and/or motivation (hopefully sometimes funny) in my battles.

This year I was certain I’d get into the Elite 8 at least but I got Tay’d.

Was going to save my Round Three advice memes for 2024, but my gut is telling me to stop being selfish because someone in FH might need to hear it now.



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