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Dark Side of Football BB

When Jimmy Johnson was Miami's coach, he knew the Cheatriots were stealing plays and wasn't afraid to say so.

Also, why do you think Shula despised Belichick.
I just find it odd all there success happened after 9/11. Especially being named the “Patriots”. But that’s just the conspiracy theorist in me at times.
Watching that cover all the issues in one show was jaw dropping. I knew every single scandal the Patriots were involved in as they happened but time erodes the impact of each one. This clearly demonstrated the ongoing pattern. So 2020 was the first season they were not permitted to have film crews recording anything and they got stomped. Probably a direct result of losing the ability to cheat rather than losing Brady to the Bucs.

They really were/are a black eye on the NFL...
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Watching that cover all the issues in one show was jaw dropping. I knew every single scandal the Patriots were involved in as they happened but time erodes the impact of each one. This clearly demonstrated the ongoing pattern. So 2020 was the first season they were not permitted to have film crews recording anything and they got stomped. Probably a direct result of losing the ability to cheatrather than losing Brady to the Bucs.

They really were/are a black eye on the NFL...
Losing Brady and a number of their best players opting out of the season had a lot to do with their record last year too.
Watching that cover all the issues in one show was jaw dropping. I knew every single scandal the Patriots were involved in as they happened but time erodes the impact of each one. This clearly demonstrated the ongoing pattern. So 2020 was the first season they were not permitted to have film crews recording anything and they got stomped. Probably a direct result of losing the ability to cheat rather than losing Brady to the Bucs.

They really were/are a black eye on the NFL...
That's the part I found incredible as well. I feel like many of the intricate details were not exposed at the time. That or my memory blocked them out.
They forgot to mention bringing players in to "evaluate" after training camp from teams New England plays in the first 3 weeks of the season.
Or why the NFL made it a rule that if one teams headsets are crappy and quit working then the other team can't use their headsets either.

Or why do players believe the locker room is bugged.

Or I wonder when refs will be paid by the NFL instead of home teams.

Or how a coach isn't very successful early in his career until he "learns" how to win.

Or is it a conflict of interest if a team owner is buddy buddy with the commissioner.

Or ....

Or ....
I don't care that Trump, a private citizen at the time may have been involved.....the bigger story is he was acting on behalf of Robert Kraft.

ESPN trying to make the story about the wrong person.

Vice does good shows like this. I love their Dark Side of the Ring they do for wrestling and they've done similar stuff with murders, cults, and legends

"The Hermit Kingdom" with The Harlem Globetrotters and Dennis Rodman in North Korea is one of the better episodes.
It does make you wonder how much of the cheating and other illegal things the Patriots have done over the years that has had a direct impact on their success?
Can anyone sum up?
He taped somebodies practice (x2?). The football air pressures (tho that may have been more Brady). I cant remember everything.
We know Spygate ranged from 2001-2007, then with them being caught again in that Cincy "misunderstanding" in 2019 you can infer they continued at some point, most likely soon after being caught in September, 2007 because, well, why wouldn't they? Who would stop cheating when you received 3 SB "wins" for a draft pick and a small fine? Deflategate overlaps, but you can probably guess that it started in 2006, when Brady approached the league about allowing teams to bring their own 12 balls to games and continued to the end of 2014. I personally think this is the lesser of the 2 offenses because a better grip on the ball can help cut down fumbles and maybe allow you to throw better in certain conditions, but it is not a system-wide issue like knowing the other team's signals and, according to Flutie, being able to guess their play over 80-85% of the time. I equate Deflategate more to a handful of players using stickum back in the day and I think the risk of being caught again was high as teams would likely be ready to pounce if it felt like brady's balls were a little soft again. So they may have stopped that form of cheating, unless I am giving them too much credit. Both are wrong and unfortunately players do cheat sometimes, but nothing I can imagine would offset (illegally) knowing what the other team is doing as a whole.

To answer your question with my opinion, ANUFan, I look at the cheated Superbowl victory margins. The first 3 were 3 points or less, one was a 4 point victory, one was 6 and the last one was 10. Then look at the close games they often won to get into those SB's. If cheating isn't helping you gain a few extra points, why take the risk to cheat?

Then there's the butterfly effect. I believe that brady is very possibly or probably a name we would all have long forgotten, like many QB's who come and go, if he had not been able to learn in the league with the illegal training wheels he had. He throws a nice ball, but a lot of guys do. He had the decision-making, the hard part, done for him. He definitely would have suffered more hits without that help, in essence ending his career earlier, even if he had somehow been able to last on his ability, which I doubt. I know a lot of people have trouble imagining that and usually rebut with laughing or name calling as nobody wants to hear the possibility that the history they think they are witnessing is false, but that is my opinion based on my reading articles, the book and a couple of other sources.
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While I don’t condone cheating, the real problem is with Robert Kraft and the NFL’s front office.Kraft obviously doesn’t care what Belichick does as long as the Patriots continue to win. The Commissioner of the NFL has helped the Patriots cover up any illegal acts by destroying the evidence.

Belichick knows he can get away with anything as long as the Patriots keep winning and Kraft will simply look the other way and pay any fines which occur if they are fined for cheating.

This is no different than millions of people making excuses for politicians who cheat and lie. It is just part of our culture unfortunately and considering that football is nothing but a game. The cheating and lying in the game really affects very few people when compared to the cheating and lying in other areas of our society.
Kraft was on the compensation committee and was called "instrumental" in doubling Goodell's salary from 2007 to 2008, from 6 to 12M. I can't even talk about what he gets paid now. It's sickening.
It does make you wonder how much of the cheating and other illegal things the Patriots have done over the years that has had a direct impact on their success?

I'm surprised they did not take Eli M for a long ride up to some deserted part of Maine or NH
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