OBJ At Peace as #3 WR | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

OBJ At Peace as #3 WR

Some random that clearly re-posted it from somewhere. But it took like a 2 seconds search on Twitter to find that.

Too my point, 1,000 yards or not, expectations for a guy who hasn't stayed healthy a full season once in the 2020's is a bit ****sure.
Idiots on Twitter for sure. Let's keep the threads on discussions in this forum.

Doubt anyone here would make that claim.

If they do you can call them out because that's not realistic for sure.
I would think most here on fin heaven are realistic on what 3rd receiver numbers will be with Hill and Waddle. Injuries aside.
Very true, but idiots also make up a large portion of the fanbase.

Were a tiny fraction of the fanbase on finheaven. Were wildly out-numbered by the idiots on Twitter.
You sure that's not bills fans?
Sorry Chad I was mistaken. This is what I saw. Granted it was an AI prediction so you still have a shot.
View attachment 170749
Skills alone, i think Odell could reach this. He's lost a step but he's gonna have so much space to operate in.

There's just two giant things working against him....

1- his body can't stay together.

2- Malik Washington may be a joke of a 6th round pick to some ppl, but he can seriously play football.
Idiots on Twitter for sure. Let's keep the threads on discussions in this forum.

Doubt anyone here would make that claim.

If they do you can call them out because that's not realistic for sure.
But when discussing a fan-base wide topic, that includes said idiots, it's unavoidable. Like in this instance.
I like Malik Washington.

To suggest that he’s better right now than OBJ is bat**** crazy.
Malik will likely be no more than the 5th or 6th WR on the team. I think EZ, if healthy and Berrios will see the field more than Washington in 2024.

Washington is a rookie WR who should sit and learn for a year and hopefully he will be good enough to become the 3rd or 4th WR in 2025.
I respectfully request you clarify that with these wild twitter takes in the future. Could have saved pages of argument.
This isn't a wild take.

Ppl are over-hyped about signing a WR who's had 3 - 100 yard games in the last 5 seasons. Who can't stay healthy and is on the wrong side of 30.

My take on this topic is spot on, a large chunk of this fanbase is out of touch with reality on the impact he's likley to have here. If he's healthy by week 8 it would be a pleasant suprise. If you think he's gonna stay healthy all season, I've got a beautiful ocean front property here in Kansas to sell you.
Dude was at 17 yards a catch and was coming off major surgery with only 30 something catches

He’s way more ready for reps

I’ll say 52 catches 850 yards 7 tds
Odell can’t play anymore and is a problem in the locker room. We’ve added too many weirdos to the locker room.

As Bill Parcells would say: “you don’t win with strange”.
EPBro at Peace being the #3 poster.

Behind Ray and Fred...
Ok, got it. The diva WR says he wont be a diva. I believe him this time.
Ok, got it. The diva WR says he wont be a diva. I believe him this time.
I think that perception stems entirely from things early in his career.

You can hold it against him if you want, but I see no reason to believe it will be an issue here.
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