The Worst I've Ever Seen The Forum | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Worst I've Ever Seen The Forum


Super Donator
Club Member
Aug 24, 2010
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Just curious I never had such a lag problem as I did last night. Been considering joining the VIP, was curious if it was just the forum all together. Or if the VIP forum was better last night. Never experienced a delay like last night, was very disappointed was so excited about not being able to read posts from all the quality posters. I don't post a lot but I do spend probably 3 hours a day minimum reading through the forum.
I find if the Forum is really busy, you tend to get a lag. (not saying this is what happened last night)
It still has a pretty bad lag even now. Last night it was nearly impossible. Worst I've seen it in a long time too. Twitter has some good up to the minute stuff also.
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3 hours a day reading forums? lets not become an anti-social generation here. But yes, there was lag....its normal when its busy. Its no biggie, I can wait. People all over the world are waiting for food and water, im sure I can wait just fine for dolphins opinions lol
Yeah every year it is like this. Draft day we get like 1000+ people on the website at once and it freezes up for periods of time. Its not meant to handle that kind of traffic. I couldn't even get the website to load for a while.

All good though. It didn't take too long and I was able to get back to reading :)
Just curious I never had such a lag problem as I did last night. Been considering joining the VIP, was curious if it was just the forum all together. Or if the VIP forum was better last night. Never experienced a delay like last night, was very disappointed was so excited about not being able to read posts from all the quality posters. I don't post a lot but I do spend probably 3 hours a day minimum reading through the forum.

same here
3 hours a day reading forums? lets not become an anti-social generation here. But yes, there was lag....its normal when its busy. Its no biggie, I can wait. People all over the world are waiting for food and water, im sure I can wait just fine for dolphins opinions lol
I live in Illinois don't get much dolphin info in my parts. I coach high school football so this time a year is slower than normal, I may of exaggerated a little but not by much at least the past three weeks. Lol
Yeah, it was terrible lag here..pages either taking forever to load or timing out. But on other fansites (just for fun I was checking in on Browns, Bills and Jest fan forums) the pages were not slow at all and opening right up. And they were packed with people commenting left and right, posting gifs, memes, etc during their picks and after.

They need to either get a better server here or increase the capacity.
In the IT Security field we call it denial of service (DoS). More people hitting the site with requests than the site's connections can handle. Sometimes bad guys do it intentionally by setting up several machines to pound and pound a website with requests so no one else can get to it.

As you have seen, it can be a very effective technique.
Hopefully, tonight won't be as bad as last night but what I don't get is how many other fan sites had no issues.....and, despite some here suggesting to donate for better performance, all of those other sites are free and had a lot of logins active with people posting fast & furious with no hiccups.
I agree it was bad last night, but that's not the norm. That said, I do think VIP is absolutely worth it. You get the Chamber's Files and J-Off's prospect analysis (similar to TedSlimmjr but much more in-depth.) Plus, it helps keep the lights on for a website we all love. $20 is a few beers at a bar.
there was a lot of people here last night and all trying to post at the same time. That will always make things a little slower. We still had a great time in the VIP chatroom
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