Why the Jets, Aaron Rodgers will win the Super Bowl. | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why the Jets, Aaron Rodgers will win the Super Bowl.

Kobe Bryant was never the same after he popped his Achilles.

Neither was Kevin Durant.

Different sport but they were both over 30 when it happened.

And yeah Marino was never the same either.
yeah Kobe’s calf was so disproportionate after
Marijuana arrests? Really? Embarrassing to the law enforcement. Police and DAs have only so much money to budget and this seems, to me, a bit of a waste.
I don’t use pot, but I have friends that do. Seems to make them laugh more and move a little slower.
Amen man....so many bigger fish to fry! It is not the evil devil's lettuce they made us believe growing up. A lot of medicinal value in it. Especially for people (NFL players) looking to releive pain.
Season 23 Laughing GIF by The Voice
It would have been funnier if her "Right Breast" popped out.
I'll give her an "E" for effort. - LOL
This seems to be a rickd13 problem… if someone is doing their thing and not hurting anyone else- why the fu$k do you care??
And Guess what- confident people don’t give a sh1t how other people view them…

the fact that you think people that use weed are wasted all the time shows you know nothing about weed and its uses… you know, there are times when you can use your discretion and not have to chime in with ignorant opinions and judgemental views on subjects you know sh1t about
So, you would not be bothered by someone farting in your face?
Why do I find it so hard to believe you? - LOL
So, you would not be bothered by someone farting in your face?
Why do I find it so hard to believe you? - LOL
I’d have to qualify farting in one’s face as bothering someone… I think I wrote if your “not hurting” anyone else- I’d certainly be bothered no doubt
Although if I was high I could laugh it off much easier
I’d have to qualify farting in one’s face as bothering someone… I think I wrote if your “not hurting” anyone else- I’d certainly be bothered no doubt
Although if I was high I could laugh it off much easier

"Smoke gets in my eyes" - LOL

Quit trying to make what you said mean something different.
An old middle east proverb covers what you are trying (and failing, ha-ha) to do.

"You cannot take back the spent arrow or the spoken word".
Welcome to the world of "personal responsibility for your own actions". - LOL

By the way - if you want the pain-relieving properties of cannabis, it comes in several digestible forms which would not affect anyone but the user.

How about that, Jack.
OFF damn post. - LOL
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