A sure fire pick back then | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

A sure fire pick back then


Active Roster
Apr 17, 2018
Reaction score
Black Hills
There are some prospects that only injury are going to derail.

But no there has never been a literal can't miss player.

I would day the guys that come the closest to me in the last few decades would be Peyton Manning, Calvin Johnson, Lawrence Taylor and Eric Dickerson(way back in the day) Deion and Barry the Sanders Brothers, Richard Seymour, guys like that.
If we are talking this year, my best guess would be Smith and Sewell.

Of course, no one can forecast injuries or how much coaching and scheme can elevate or destroy a player.
The sure fire prospect that they passed on Barry Sanders , Derrick Thomas , Deion Sanders .
are there really any sure cant miss prospects?

It was discovered later on that Mandarich was on steroids in college. Without steroids, he was a shell of himself
It was discovered later on that Mandarich was on steroids in college. Without steroids, he was a shell of himself
He wasn't just on steroids, he was on ALL the steroids.

He was abusing so badly that he feared the NFL's rudimentary testing would have caught him. When he cycled off he literally shrunk to a non NFL sized player.
He wasn't just on steroids, he was on ALL the steroids.

He was abusing so badly that he feared the NFL's rudimentary testing would have caught him. When he cycled off he literally shrunk to a non NFL sized player.
Just seems like teams would have known that during the evaluation process.
Mandarich resurrected his career in indianapolis. Became a solid starter with them.
I seem to remember a LB drafted by Seattle who suffered from the same fate. He was all world in college while he was juiced not much in the Pro's. Seen a RB make him look very human
So, Beck with the Dolphins and/or Tannehill going from Miami to Nashville don't ring a bell? /s
I think Tennessee recognized what Tannehill did well in Miami. In 2016, Tannehill took off with a running game behind Ajayi.

The Titans had that with Henry and a much better defense. Now, Tannehill hasn't won a championship with Tennessee and that's how quarterbacks tend to be remembered, but they at least recognized that he would work in their system.

I'm not sure Beck would have been successful anywhere. I always thought he had backup talent.
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