Anyone concerned with what the Patsies are doing? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone concerned with what the Patsies are doing?


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Mar 13, 2006
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New Jersey
I'm a big believer that the more picks you stockpile the better your chances of "hitting" in the draft. I was excited to see the Pats enter the draft with only 5 picks - as it feels like every year they have 5 or 6 in the first 3 rounds - and I believe this is one big reason why they are always competitive / class of the AFC year after year. When you look at what we are doing, we are excited because we have options with all the picks we accumulated. More picks = more options. Obvious, I know. But why do teams do these dumb trades with the Pats every year? Remember Deon Branch for a number 1 to Seattle?:crazy:

The trade they executed with Minnesota burns me up - they now have 8 more picks with 4 in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. Anyone else concerned here?
I'm always concerned about them. Their scouting is fantastic. They could have 1 pick in the 5th round and they would find and develop the right player. But I'm not gonna worry about who they might get, I'm going to stay concerned with who we have and who we plan on adding. If we add the right pieces here in the 2nd and 3rd, and add a LT, I feel good about our offense versus their defense. With adding Jordan, we have the ability to pressure Brady. Either put him on his ass or force bad throws with Marshall, Jones, Clemons, and Grimes in the secondary, and I'm OK with that.
I'm a big believer that the more picks you stockpile the better your chances of "hitting" in the draft. I was excited to see the Pats enter the draft with only 5 picks - as it feels like every year they have 5 or 6 in the first 3 rounds - and I believe this is one big reason why they are always competitive / class of the AFC year after year. When you look at what we are doing, we are excited because we have options with all the picks we accumulated. More picks = more options. Obvious, I know. But why do teams do these dumb trades with the Pats every year? Remember Deon Branch for a number 1 to Seattle?:crazy:

The trade they executed with Minnesota burns me up - they now have 8 more picks with 4 in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. Anyone else concerned here?

No they arr competative every year because they have brady. If you look at there recent drafts its not very impressive
I was surprised the Vikes didn't throw in a #1 pick next year too........I was thinking same thing that they did it again. With all this draft being meat and potatoes they might not find starters but will add depth. I guess if we start winning we can pull off these types of deals. But man did we screw the Raiders with what we gave up considering what the Rams gave up to move up.
Tom Brady is my only worry. He is the Patriots. **** their FO and Belicheat. Brady is perfection - like him or not - you must respect him.
I was surprised the Vikes didn't throw in a #1 pick next year too........I was thinking same thing that they did it again. With all this draft being meat and potatoes they might not find starters but will add depth. I guess if we start winning we can pull off these types of deals. But man did we screw the Raiders with what we gave up considering what the Rams gave up to move up.
Yeah good points. And for the record I love what we did going all the way up to #3 to grab an impact player. I just can't stand how these Pats do this year in year out! Though zach8111 suggests they haven't done so well with their picks the last few years - even with all the swings at the plate. Truth be told, I haven't studied who they selected and the Brady reason may indeed be the biggest factor. Let's hope Tanny gives us that same advantage for the next decade+!!!
I posted it earlier. From a value perspective this trade was completely fair. Pats moved down from the end of the 1st to the end of the 2nd and got a 3rd and 4th to make that move. I personally think I would rather be in the Vikings seat. It will all depend on what the Pats do in the 2nd round. If they find a way to get a Justin Hunter, Robert Woods, Keenan Allen, they made a good deal. If they end up filling another need, I would rather be in the Vikings shoes b/c I think Patterson would have really helped the Pats and I think he makes a big impact in Minny.
Not worried at all. The player they get with the 2nd the Vikings gave them will likely not be as good as the player they passed up, and they player they take in the 3rd is not likely to have any significant impact ever. I'm glad we traded up for a change. You need top talent.
Up until that mugging when he remembered he actually was "Rick Spielman," he was performing uncharacteristically well.
They made a great trade last night to get all those picks , now we have to see what they turn them into today and tomorrow.
Calling it now - they are going to buffer their offensive line and secondary. I think the Dion Jordan move has scared them. Miami has gotten their attention.
The ease for the Patriots is finding players that fit the scheme. Much easier to scout for that than the best "NFL prospect" player.

The system is designed to take late round players that fit a specific role and only that role and excell.
I don't care what the Pats do..... I like what the Dolphins are doing and they are building this D to stop Brady. That's all that matters to me. I am so done with hearing everyone being on their junk. How the Pats are this and that. Enough is enough, they may making it to the playoffs, but they haven't won the big one since they were caught. Their D is their weak spot, and their recent drafts have not been very good to say the least. So, I am focusing on the Fins and what they are doing. Could care less about the Pats. Belicheat is not a genius as so many on here believe. Just my opinion. Enjoy what we are doing and we are moving in the right direction to change this franchise. GO FINS!!!
I loved it. Everyone applauds the Patsies for getting extra picks but their ability to execute has been awful with very few exceptions. They do not have an overly talented team once you get past the QB...who is at the very end of his career.
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