Club Member
Im not trying to be a truble maker, but, real Dolphins dont play football.
That's really what you have to add to the discussion? Thanks for making my point for me. Real dolphins don't play football.....therefore, stick with me here, a picture of a dolphin wearing a football helmet looks completely and utterly retarded. Derr duh.
What, is this some playful dolphin that found a helmet floating in the ocean and he just happened to figure out how to put it on his head? Now all the other dolphins recognize him from more than a mile away.....via sonar. Or is it an abused animal at some road carnival who has a trainer that straps the helmet to him and sends low frequency electrical shocks through it to train him? Poor flipper.
But seeing an actual real life dolphin jumping out of the water, in his natural settings, with a beautiful sunset in the background and NOT wearing a helmet, is majestic and powerful. THAT is the image I want representing my team. Not some ridiculous cartoon character.