"Beat the Bills Bandwagon" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"Beat the Bills Bandwagon"


The Only Fin Fan in SD
☠️ Banned ☠️
Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego
It is time for the 'Phins to take charge of the AFC East.

Come on everybody, get on board! Ricky Williams is at the controls and we are on our way!

We are gonna kick some serious Bill ***!

Who is with me!

Choooo! Choooo! Look out Buffalo, Ricky Willaims is gonna run you over!
Re: "Beat the Bills Bandwagon"

Originally posted by BigFinFan
It is time for the 'Phins to take charge of the AFC East.

Come on everybody, get on board! Ricky Williams is at the controls and we are on our way!

We are gonna kick some serious Bill ***!

Who is with me!

Choooo! Choooo! Look out Buffalo, Ricky Willaims is gonna run you over!

Choo Choo?
I love your enthusiasm and I am with you all the way..but man..choo choo sounds kinda...oh well you know.


Bandwagon makes it sound like we hopped off or something??? I still think were goin to the playoffs and winning our division go fins!!!
Let's see how many posts we can get in here without an actual Bills fan with smack....
Go Fins...

How about


Ricky running over Taco Spice!
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Time to get the message going again!

Lets go Dol-Phins

Smack - Smack - Smack- Smack-Smack

The Bills are going down- Jay has a career game 3 touchdown passes- Ricky rushes for 110 and a touchdown. The D finally steps up J.T. has 2 sacks and the Phin fans will be dancing in the streets Monday morning. And all you Bills fans that want to talk smack can eat me. You are going to see that smack right up side your head come Sunday night!!!
Re: "Beat the Bills Bandwagon"

Originally posted by BigFinFan
It is time for the 'Phins to take charge of the AFC East.

Come on everybody, get on board! Ricky Williams is at the controls and we are on our way!

We are gonna kick some serious Bill ***!

Who is with me!

Choooo! Choooo! Look out Buffalo, Ricky Willaims is gonna run you over!

Oop up side their head,

Oop up side the :billsbite head!

See Ricky
See Ricky Run
Bye Bye Taco Spice!
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