Best RB ever - Adrian Peterson | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Best RB ever - Adrian Peterson


I am Groot
Club Member
Jan 22, 2004
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this guy is good! he has power and break away speed and he should win the Heisman which would make him the first Freshman ever to win it. I think he is going to make it big time! in both the NCAA and then the NFL
Two words: Herschel Walker
Two more: Barry Sanders
Not to take anything away from Adrian Peterson but i have two words as well ... maurice clarett. same was said about him after his freshman season and now where is he...
and he has his head on straight unlike Clarrett
I have to say that he is a great Rb for a freshman but why does he get so much press while Mike Hart of Michigan gets none. This kid is 5'7 and has had three two hundred yard games in a row. He is the leading rusher in the Big Ten and 7th in the Nation and he didnt even play in the first two or three games. Not only that but the Big Ten has much better defense then the Big 12 which is the most overrated conference in college football. Not saying he is better but should be getting more credit.
Mike Hart is a nifty little runner as well. Kinda reminds of Clinton Portis with his footwork and cutting ability. He is definitely being overshadowed by Peterson right now.
um_canes02 said:
Not to take anything away from Adrian Peterson but i have two words as well ... maurice clarett. same was said about him after his freshman season and now where is he...
No way. Clarett wasnt that great, he was a good RB and he got more airtime because of the ohio state defense. Peterson is flat out RIDICULUOS. He breaks tackles, has runaway speed, great cutting, and sees the blocks unfold like he is playing in slow motion. He is by far the best freshman RB I have ever seen play.
Ryan Moats - small college from La - Tech(I think) this dude looks like the second coming of Barry Sanders.

IMO Hes really, really good.
brech10 said:
Nobody had Clarrett at the top of their Heisman list in November.
As much as i hate Clarrett and Ohio Sate. Untill he got hurt his freshman season people did have him on the Heisman list.
Brad528 said:
As much as i hate Clarrett and Ohio Sate. Untill he got hurt his freshman season people did have him on the Heisman list. no way am i trying to say that adrian peterson is gonna turn out like maurice clarett. but it is true that his freshman year they were all talking about how he probably had the skills to play in the pros much like peterson and he was on almost everyones heisman list until he got hurt. i am truly in awe of what adrian peterson is doing for i think he is a special talent, im just saying that this isnt the nba where he can go pro next year... he will have to comeback with another impressive season next year... as for this year i see him as the only option for the heisman trophy but because of bias i dont see a freshman winning the award...but in all seriousness he is truly the one that deserves it the most.
NorFlaFin said:
Ryan Moats - small college from La - Tech(I think) this dude looks like the second coming of Barry Sanders.

IMO Hes really, really good.
I agree. I'm not sure if he's still leading the NCAA in rushing yards, but he was at one point. But he'll always be overshadowed by other players because of the conference he's in (WAC).

I'm not looking forward to the game of my Broncos vs. La. Tech. That's going to be the game of the year in the WAC.
He is worthy of the Hesiman and could even win it back-to-back years although they are not likely to do that for him but it could be a possiblity
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