Broncs says Phins have swagger - video | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Broncs says Phins have swagger - video

I don't like hearing this... I don't like hearing we have swagger 'cause that is when underdogs beat the over confident teams...

Well coached and over confident are two different things my friend. Just words only words and Brandon Marshall looks like he struggles just trying to put a sentence together. No one picked us to win this week. We are still the underdog no matter what. It's going to be a tough week and I'm not convinced we will win but I will still be cheering. Go Phins!
I don't think he was thinking we're over confident, he just explained the difference between a losing team and a winning attitude. We should have a swagger, the coaching staff is doing their job by getting them ready and showing them they can compete. It's how you build winners. You don't have a swagger if you aren't confident in your ability to compete. If you have any hope at all of winning in this league you need a swagger.
He's the guy that I'm worried about, but he made a point that lets me rest even better with my Miami pick. He said that they have to establish the run early, but the Dolphins (with the exception against the Ravens when Ferguson got hurt) have had success stopping the run pretty well.

he made a good point that they do have a lot of play makers... their running game hasnt been spectacular but it only takes one game for one of their no names to explode and get on the map... I really hope its not against us... I am happy that their D is not as good as it has been and that chimp bailey is on the sideliine... This game still scairs me... It is halloween afterall...
Well coached and over confident are two different things my friend. Just words only words and Brandon Marshall looks like he struggles just trying to put a sentence together. No one picked us to win this week. We are still the underdog no matter what. It's going to be a tough week and I'm not convinced we will win but I will still be cheering. Go Phins!

This is one of the most retarded comments Ive seen on any forum. Are you trying to say he's illiterate?
Main Entry: 1swag·ger Pronunciation: \ˈswa-gər\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): swag·gered; swag·ger·ing \-g(ə-)riŋ\ Etymology: probably from 1swag + -er (as in chatter) Date: circa 1596 intransitive verb1: to conduct oneself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manner ; especially : to walk with an air of overbearing self-confidence2: boast , bragtransitive verb: to force by argument or threat : bully
— swag·ger·er \-gər-ər\ noun
— swag·ger·ing·ly \-g(ə-)riŋ-lē\ adverb

Do you think he knows what swagger means... I don't think so... then F**K him.
Swagger/confidence is crucial in football. Wake up people, were not sneaking up on anyone anymore.

If we win this game we can kiss that underdog role good by. Something we should all want, we want to be the hunted, not the hunters.

If you play the Dolphins....expect to lose.

Flex your muscles baby.
Swagger and arrogance are not mutually inclusive. A winning attitude brings an attitude, and, I think that's a good thing.
Swagger/confidence is crucial in football. Wake up people, were not sneaking up on anyone anymore.

If we win this game we can kiss that underdog role good by. Something we should all want, we want to be the hunted, not the hunters.

If you play the Dolphins....expect to lose.

Flex your muscles baby.

that is so true .

plus we dont have Mcmichael and Madison to share their colorful insight to set other people straigt.
We need to have swagger.

Losing attitude's result in a bad performance. If you go in expecting to lose it's going to be very hard to overcome that mindset and you won't play to the best of your ability.

When you think you're not good enough, you don't feel like trying as hard and you aren't as productive.
This is one of the most retarded comments Ive seen on any forum. Are you trying to say he's illiterate?

I am saying he talks like mush mouth from Fat Albert and you should check your spelling as well. There is an apostrophe in I've (meaning I have). Don't sign up to OUR forum and try to talk **** on here. You may not like everything you read in an opposing teams forum but really what did you expect to read? Watch the interview like I did and you might understand what I wrote. Cheers........ Go Phins!
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