Brooks: AFC East crown could go to South Beach this year/Wake face of franchise | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Brooks: AFC East crown could go to South Beach this year/Wake face of franchise

I happen to agree with the article and have been saying close to the same at home and at work (10 wins and a wild card, but wouldn't be hurt to see a division win). Just not too much here because of all the "OMFG DUDE you're a blind idiot this is the worst NFL team in history" asshats.

Tannehill knows he needs to take that next step this year, and knows it well. My feeling is he has the right OC and OL coach to make it happen.
Did Tom Brady get locked into a shipping container with thai hookers and sent off to Mexico? Cause unless that happened, the Dolphins aren't winning any division crown and I'm quite sick of these pieholes trying to sell us that idea every year.
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Bucky Brooks said:
...If Wake can convince his teammates to follow his lead, this could be the year that Miami whisks the AFC East crown to South Beach.

I know in his next paragraph Bucky said that Tannehill needs to take his game to a new level, but I take the above statement to mean that if we are going to make any real noise this year it is going to have to come from our defense. I agree with this. I am as hopeful as anyone that our offense will miraculously turn the corner and be a high potent scoring machine, but with so many questions about our OL, I think it's going to take some time. Of course, if our offense comes out against the Patsies and kicks some serious butt, I'll happily be proven wrong on my assumption. :D
No chance Miami wins the division. Can they finish above .500 please? For once?

Disagree, there is always a chance, if the O-line clicks, Tannehill takes the next step we hope for, the receivers play as well as advertised, the D-line dominate to their skill set, the LB at least ok, and the DB play as well or better then they did last year, Miami will have a good chance.

Yes, that is a lot that would have to go right, and the Patriots as always should be favored, but there is always a chance, and Miami does have enough talent to give them a punchers chance.
New England has a better defensive line than Miami? Are you ****ing serious right now? :bobdole:

Not to mention the difference in each team's WR corps. Put Julian Edelman, Amendola (and whoever the hell else they have) on Miami's offense and we never hear the end of how piss poor our offense is, and would be. The difference in production is the QB who is throwing the ball to those guys. Don't kid yourself. They have the injury prone Gronk on offense. No one else is turning heads. Their QB and coaching staff is just leagues above us right now. Talent wise, jlfin is right, Miami is better overall in that regard or at least just about equal.

Everyone is knocking Miami because of the loss of Soliai, which is understandable, bus Miami will have a much better pass-rush this year...even with Dion being suspended for 4 games. The key hear is, if Miami can do a better job against the run this year then they did last year (W/Soliai), then this D-line will be much better then the Pats, but if they can't stop the run, the Pats will be more balanced then Miami, and will do a better job.

For the Record I agree with you though.
Did Tom Brady get locked into a room with thai hookers and sent off to Mexico? Cause unless that happened, the Dolphins aren't winning any division crown and I'm quite sick of these pieholes trying to sell us that idea every year.

No, I'm sure Brady is busy parting the red sea, (well the Atlantic Ocean) for the fisherman in the off-season.

I agree that Tom Brady is a huge piece on any team in the AFC east, but he is beatable, and last year, Miami almost (Well actually did, just not officially) beat his team twice in a season.
The guy gives the Fins props and people are pissed he has the "wrong geography". SMH.

If the writer doesn't even know where the Miami Dolphins play, it is a good bet he has not spent any time studying the team.
As much as I want to read good pub, it want it to have a basis in reality.
The Patriots have owned the division for over a decade. Tom Brady is still playing at a high level
I wouldn't really call it likely that we can dethrone New England this year, but it is possible.

I see our best chance going something like this ... "so, did you hear the rumor that Tom Brady called Chuck Liddell a p (_) 5%¥?" Because if that rumor gets out ... our chances might improve. J/K!
Disagree, there is always a chance, if the O-line clicks, Tannehill takes the next step we hope for, the receivers play as well as advertised, the D-line dominate to their skill set, the LB at least ok, and the DB play as well or better then they did last year, Miami will have a good chance.

Yes, that is a lot that would have to go right, and the Patriots as always should be favored, but there is always a chance, and Miami does have enough talent to give them a punchers chance.

Okay I'll restate. There's a chance. It isn't going to happen. I'd bet anything on that opinion.
^^^^Probably different posters unhappy when articles are just hate more than objective negative points being made, or unhappy when unrealistic sunshine is being blown up their butts.
As for me, this is what I think of this one. Judge me, or judge me not, it's just my opinion.
If Wake can convince his teammates to follow his lead...
Tannehill needs to deliver more "explosive" plays to ensure the Dolphins keep pace with the AFC's high-octane offenses. If he can make strides in this area...
The problem is that those are 2 huge "if's". I'm not sure either of those can happen. We can hope so I guess.
Brooks: AFC East crown could go to South Beach this year

LOLOL... What!?!?
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