Brown discloses secret at troubled school | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Brown discloses secret at troubled school


Club Member
Mar 21, 2007
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DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla. – Amid hours of noise, the moment Miami Dolphins running back Ronnie Brown(notes) made a connection with the 600 or so fidgety teenagers sitting in front of him at Deerfield Beach Middle School was defined by an almost imperceptible bit of silence.
Brown addresses the class during Tuesday's assembly.
(Photo courtesy of Miami Dolphins)

Brown, standing on the stage of the cafetorium, admitted something he had never openly discussed. He talked about something deeply painful and, when you’re young, potentially embarrassing. The kind of thing a kid isn’t responsible for, but nonetheless can find emotionally damaging.
“My parents were incarcerated for awhile when I was a kid,” said Brown, who also talked about the bad judgment that resulted in being charged with driving under the influence of alcohol this offseason.
sorry if already posted
It may not seem like much to some, but it truly does take courage to confess something like that.

Whether or not Ronnie is a 'Top-5 Back', I love this guy.
what did he confess? only that his parents were in jail?
what did he confess? only that his parents were in jail?

Yeah that article built it up pretty good. I was expecting something worse. Still takes courage though. One thing I can definitely say about Ronnie regardless of how his career has gone is that I like the guy. He's never made excuses and just keeps coming back injury after injury ready to work.
what did he confess? only that his parents were in jail?

That can truly embarrass a young man. I think what he's doing for some of these kids isjust giving themthat little sense of hope. As long ashe is able to change one persons life...mission accomplished!
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