Bryan Cox | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bryan Cox


Pro Bowler
May 24, 2002
Reaction score
Central Mississippi
Not trying to knock Bryan, but he got himself mighty mixed up yesterday on Chris Myers Radio show. He talked about our quarterback "AJ Dooley" and our back up tightend "Joe Lee Dunn" (actually a college coach) Just thought I would mention one of our Dolphin alumni.
yeah i loved watching him play for the fins but face it he's about as bright as a dark brown crayon
He is one of my favorite, all-time Dolphins...those games in Buffalo were epic. You need a few characters like him to liven things up a bit!
leave the guy alone. He deserves to say whatever he wants. I don't even know who our back up tight end is.
RUde..Obnoxious..Foul and Distasteful..THe dolphins are cursing and man, it's disgraceful. Cause Bryan Cox and the rest of them are saying...Suck my _____! Lick my _____! **** on YOU! Mutha *****!!

-Go on Neil Rogers and hear the song.
DreamWeaver said:
He is one of my favorite, all-time Dolphins...those games in Buffalo were epic. You need a few characters like him to liven things up a bit!

Mine too; he was a bada$$ on the field. However, some retired players are just not destined to be radio/tv personalities. I don't think he's dumb, either. He just doesn't have the command of the english language required to do well on radio or tv.
BringBackShula said:
RUde..Obnoxious..Foul and Distasteful..THe dolphins are cursing and man, it's disgraceful. Cause Bryan Cox and the rest of them are saying...Suck my _____! Lick my _____! **** on YOU! Mutha *****!!

-Go on Neil Rogers and hear the song.

I looked for it but couldn't find it.....
I disagree. I think Bryan Cox does a great job on the radio. Personally, I enjoy his commentary and thinks he brings an interesting, honest, opinion. He says what he means. He doesn't have to take crap from anyone so he doesn't. I think some of you are selling him short.
You sure bet he says what he means, what you see is what you get with Brian. I think he is great .
I like Bryan Cox and always thought he did a good job when I saw him on ESPN or whatever. 14 sacks in 1992 at outside LB. Once they moved him inside, he wasn't as effective rushing the passer.

Also, I hadn't seen anyone flip off an entire stadium like that (Cox flipping off Rich Stadium) until I saw that photo of Matt Roth flipping everyone off at the Captiol One Bowl. :rofl:

BTW - you cannot post that photo here. :lol:
Matt Roth sounds like he has a "Bryan Cox" type attitude....hopefully he will be a "Brian Cox" type player. Not the same position, but the same temperment.
DreamWeaver said:
He is one of my favorite, all-time Dolphins...those games in Buffalo were epic. You need a few characters like him to liven things up a bit!
Same here. Anyone that flips off the Barffalo fans in their own stadium is just a pimp IMO.
I miss the LB's and defensive players wearing the external neck support it was so damn intimidating
anyone heard from Mean Joe lately? :D I love Brian, he was an animal on the field but gave freely of his time and efforts to inner city kids. When he became rich he went back into East St. Louis and supported his old neighborhood. He was, is, a good broadcaster, so what's not to like? :rolleyes:
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