Bush draft pick NOT conditional | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bush draft pick NOT conditional


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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica
Most us us already knew this/expected this but I know there were some people who were concerned that it was a conditional pick, and with this breakthrough season were worried maybe it would be a second round pick. No need to worry, as it didn't matter if Bush rushed for only 100 yards this season or dominated with over 1,000, the trade compensation remains the same. From what I can gather Miami actually swapped players and draft picks for Reggie. The rumored compensation is that Miami got Bush and a 6th round pick, and the Saints got Amaya and a 4th round pick. There were some at the time that were disappointed even with that rumored compensation, but I have to believe you are not disappointed anymore.


Nobody has been able to identify what draft pick the Dolphins gave New Orleans for Bush, but we’ve recently discovered the pick isn’t conditional.
This trade should`ve never disappoointed anyone. Bush > any 4th rounder.
This trade should`ve never disappoointed anyone. Bush > any 4th rounder.

A lot of posts blasting the FO after that trade was announced........some still don't like the move.
Most us us already knew this/expected this but I know there were some people who were concerned that it was a conditional pick, and with this breakthrough season were worried maybe it would be a second round pick. No need to worry, as it didn't matter if Bush rushed for only 100 yards this season or dominated with over 1,000, the trade compensation remains the same. From what I can gather Miami actually swapped players and draft picks for Reggie. The rumored compensation is that Miami got Bush and a 6th round pick, and the Saints got Amaya and a 4th round pick. There were some at the time that were disappointed even with that rumored compensation, but I have to believe you are not disappointed anymore.


Sometimes people are wrong. I was one of them.
His career before it was certainly not worth it.... his career has a miami dolphin thus far, certainly was.

Real men eat crow when its deserved. I am eating crow lol
Turned out to be one of Ireland's better deals, right up there with the Dansby FA signing IMO. Wonder if the credit for getting him with with the intent of using him as a between the tackles every down back goes to Ireland or belatedly Sparano. Either way, I'll gladly give credit wherever it's due.
At the time I thought it was a good deal and he would help, but I was pretty far off in imagining how he would help and just how much. Credit to Reggie...he got his shot and made the most of it. I figured he would just catch some passes and get 7 or 8 carries a game.
I liked the trade, especially for the value that has been rumored. However, I never envisioned a season like he is having now. In fact I thought Thomas would finish the season with more carries and yards. Never saw a likely 1,100+ hard rushing season that included five games with over 100 yards(could be six if he does it again versus the Jets).
I loved the trade. I didnt' even care what the compensation was once I heard it was a 1st, 2nd or 3rd... I was all in..

I wanted a playmaker. I figured he'd return punts and kicks, and I had hoped he would take a few to the house. I figured he'd get 5-6 catches a game and hopefully break a few big gains for tds. never imagined he'd run his *** off for over 1000 yards and contribute the way he has. that's production folks, and IMO it was easily worth it. kudos to ireland, which I don't think you hear ppl say much.
Sometimes people are wrong. I was one of them.
His career before it was certainly not worth it.... his career has a miami dolphin thus far, certainly was.

Real men eat crow when its deserved. I am eating crow lol

I for one, applaud you for being stand up about the entire thing.

I wasn't for it from the beginning, but I thought it was about Cap-space more than anything. That was before I realized how much R-Bush renegotiated his contract. Truth is, he isn't costing us that much....at all.

As for the rest. Even a 4th rounder and Amaya straight up would've been a solid trade. Even if Bush was still the same back he was in NO, he would be a great receiver and a play maker..

For the record, I was the guy calling Bush out as a HUGE mistake in the first round much less the #2 overall.

He has been a very very pleasant surprise, and I hope they extend him a couple of years.
Anyone monitoring how Amaya's doing this season, if anything?

He was an interesting prospect. I was kinda disappointed that he was traded away. Looks like it worked out for everyone involved though. Reggie got a fresh start and is helping us more than we imagined, the Saints got a pick and a potentially decent player for a guy they no longer wanted/needed and had replaced with Sproles.
As soon as the Saints lost in the playoffs, Reggie Bush was the first guy I thought of as the "perfect" RB to come to South FL. The grass definitely seemed to aid him in staying healthy and he has proven many people wrong in his ability to be a full time back. I like the Bush/Thomas duo, I hope we can get Reggie signed for a few more years but we definitely made out on this trade.
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