But it IS emotional!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

But it IS emotional!!!

-81- McMichael

Active Roster
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
St. Augie-Doggie
I'm starting to get a little bit tired of hearing about how all the players are just trying to take this as any other game. That's total bullsh*t!!!:rolleyes:

This game IS emotional! Possibly more so than any other game we'll play this year (in the regular season, that is).

If I were a player I'd want to be ripping this team's freak'n head off!

I'm sorry but I just can't help thinking that if Miami starts out in this game as the clearly superior team (which it should)...

... I HAVE TO BELIEVE that the players AND coaches will do everything in their power to punish the Jets even more than the Pats did last week.

Admit it! That's what we've all been wanting to do/see!!!

I say, if we're going to exorcise (sp?) this demon, then lets kick it @$*%ing ass!!! And then some. ;)


:eek: :mad: :yell: :D
The guys are only saying that this is like any other game. OF COURSE they don't mean that! But regardless of what Wanny says about games being won by tackles and blocks and not in player's heads this game is just that. For some reason they cannot get the previous losses out of their heads. That is why they are trying to play a mind game with the Jets about the heat and their September win record etc. They are trying to place doubt in the minds of the Jets. I don't know what everyone is so worried about. I know our guys are going to win this one. I know because we have a couple of weapons we haven't had in previous years....Ricky and Norv.
I think some of them do mean that this is just a game. Because it is just another game.....but only a few can say that.

It is emotional to those that have gotten beat 8 straight times. To the rookies and the new guys, they haven't been beaten down. So they actually can say "it's not emotional" because to them it might not be.

We've been fan's for more then 4 years, but not every players has been a Dolphin that long. Yes, it is emotional to us. But not necessarily to them all.

To us, this is "THE" game for the first part of the season. I'm just praying that we start strong and finish strong, unlike our first two games of the season where we just sat back and watched. We've done that before with the Jets and gotten burned....badly. No more running the clock out....This time, I say we continue to kick them when they're down.
Of course, we as fans want to kick the ever loving CRAP out of the Jets. I am sure Wanny and the phins just want to win no matter by how much.
I want to see the jets quit by the third quarter. I want to see Herm cry. I want people to look back on this game and say"MY GOD, THAT WAS A SLAUGHTER". etc., etc.
Couldn't agree with you more!

Originally posted by poornate
I want to see the jets quit by the third quarter. I want to see Herm cry. I want people to look back on this game and say"MY GOD, THAT WAS A SLAUGHTER". etc., etc.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!! :biggrin:

And that... after all that... I want to see this team really start taking on the better teams like Denver, New England and da Bears. Not saying I expect them all to be wins but, dammit, what with everything this team has now we should be able to play with just about anybody! Right?!? :yell:



My impression of the Jets come Sunday about 3:00 PM:

:monkey: :sleep:
I'd be thrilled with the win but what I really want to see is Our Offense score everytime they have the Ball, Our defense hold them to 3 and out everytime, And The Jets to be so thoroughly Stomped that they leave the game feeling like their season is over..
Originally posted by Tazman
I really want to see is Our Offense score everytime they have the Ball, Our defense hold them to 3 and out everytime, And The Jets to be so thoroughly Stomped that they leave the game feeling like their season is over..

Couldn't have been said any better. :yell:
Originally posted by Tazman
I'd be thrilled with the win but what I really want to see is Our Offense score everytime they have the Ball, Our defense hold them to 3 and out everytime, And The Jets to be so thoroughly Stomped that they leave the game feeling like their season is over..
I would state that any win for us and the Jets will be 1-2 (in the division) and "leave the game feeling like their season is over." after their trouncing last week. At least they will know they are nothing special.

All the BS PR about just another game is trying to avoid DG-like bulletin boards statements to help the Jets get motivated. Of course, the Fins are far more motivated as the losers of 8 straight no matter how much Herm chews their arse out. :D
It is very emotional with the fans. I think the fans will be more pumped up for this than for any other game, and they will go crazy. I think it will be the best home atmosphere for a game for us this season (even though there will be quite a few Jets fans there). I predict mass celebrations after we win. :) :D
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