Devil Rays may forfeit due to hurricane | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Devil Rays may forfeit due to hurricane


Active Roster
Jul 26, 2004
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Ft. Lauderdale
When will Selig stop making love to the yankees? This really makes me mad.:fire: :fire: :fire: Its very convenient for the yanks who are about to lose the AL East lead.
That is a BS rule, or way around things. If the D-Rays can't make it it's not their fault that the airport may not open in time. Selig is driving the game straight into the ground.
You have got to be kidding me. Slig and MLB HATE the Yankees and have done everything in their power to try to bring the yanks down. If this was any other team besides the Yanks they would award them a forfeit but I'll be shocked if they do it for the Yanks. MLB told both TB & Detroit to leave Fla on Saturday, Det had no problemms but TB decided to stay using a lame excuse that there weren't hotel rooms. The convention has been over for days and even w/ the convention hotel occupancy wasn't near 100%. If this was any other team except the yanks they would rightfully declare a forfeit but since it's the Yanks they won't. Stop the whining about the Yanks and look at the facts.
Selig is in love with the Yankees. The man is licking the asscracks of the Yankees right now. It pisses me off and I am not a Devils Ray Fan. I heard it on the news yesterday and I though "Great...Selig is making this because the struggling Yankees are about to lose their lead to the Red Sox."
Prime Time said:
Selig is in love with the Yankees. The man is licking the asscracks of the Yankees right now. It pisses me off and I am not a Devils Ray Fan. I heard it on the news yesterday and I though "Great...Selig is making this because the struggling Yankees are about to lose their lead to the Red Sox."
Its more about money than the AL race
t2thejz said:
Its more about money than the AL race

Which all leads back to the Yankees winning so much which caused their fan base which was caused by the reason that they have so much money which is caused by the fact there is no cap in MLB when there should be. :shakeno:
Prime Time said:
Which all leads back to the Yankees winning so much which caused their fan base which was caused by the reason that they have so much money which is caused by the fact there is no cap in MLB when there should be. :shakeno:
Which is caused by the Redsox trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees. **** The Curse is the reason why Bud loves the yankkes
t2thejz said:
Which is caused by the Redsox trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees. **** The Curse is the reason why Bud loves the yankkes

Bud despises the Yankees, he pushed for the new CBA which only affects the Yanks w/ the luxury tax, he allowed Pittsburgh to say no to deals w/ the Yanks last year but instead chose to deal players to the Sox for lesser almost nothing and much less than the Yanks offered, he practically was wearing an ARod Red Sox jersey to get that deal through(if not for the union it would have went through) and acted as if someone kicked his baby in teeth when the deal went through for the Yanks. He HATES the Yankees which is why there was no forfeit today, had TB been scheduled to play Boston he would have awarded the Sox the W.

Apparently he doesnt love the yankees...

But I've gone from liking them to hating them in a few short years, this only adds fuel to the DARE they ask for a forfeit...I bet if the Sox were in this situation (boston, that is), they would do the same...Yankees are desperate for Ws and are afraid of the dangerous D-Rays...

Great example at an attempt at semi-legal Cheating :lol:

I'd like to see how the yankees would like to defend the pleas of Cashman and Co....
TerryTate said:

Apparently he doesnt love the yankees...

But I've gone from liking them to hating them in a few short years, this only adds fuel to the DARE they ask for a forfeit...I bet if the Sox were in this situation (boston, that is), they would do the same...Yankees are desperate for Ws and are afraid of the dangerous D-Rays...

Great example at an attempt at semi-legal Cheating :lol:

I'd like to see how the yankees would like to defend the pleas of Cashman and Co....

Originally I agreed w/ the Yankees being upset though I know there was no way they would ever award them a forfeit even though their were grounds for one and had the Yanks been in the DRays situation I think they would have awarded a forfeit. From all reports they ignored MLB by not leaving on Sat when they had the chance and their owner despises George so to me it looked like something fishy was up but after seeing the passion of their GM Chuck Lamar I think they stayed for the right reasons and the yanks just look foolish for looking for a forfeit. It just gives Yankee haters another reason. :(
Them Yanks have heart of champions....I can't wait till they get knocked out of playoffs..If they make it.
Prime Time said:
Them Yanks have heart of champions....I can't wait till they get knocked out of playoffs..If they make it.
What are you talking about?
Prime Time said:
Sox are on their ***.
I know that but Yankees are still ahead and are even farther ahead in the wild card race if they were in it.. so its a little early for smack.
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