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Fox News on the stadium


May 23, 2004
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Just heard that that the roof on Hard Rock Stadium had significant damage. They did not specify the extent or severity of the damage. Anyone local who has any direct observation? Hope you all are safe.
They want engineers to come in and inspect before making any declaration
Just heard that that the roof on Hard Rock Stadium had significant damage. They did not specify the extent or severity of the damage. Anyone local who has any direct observation? Hope you all are safe.

Yea, the way he put it, it seems to be the main issue.

Shepard Smith also said "Hard Rock stadium which used to be Joe Robbie Stadium, something that personally bothers me." I guess he is a Dolphins fan.
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Shepard Smith also said "Hard Rock stadium which used to be Joe Robbie Stadium, something that personally bothers me." I guess he is a Dolphins fan.

Shepard Smith is known as a big Dolphins fan. Makes sense considering he is the only reasonable person on that network.
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Yea, the way he put it, it seems to be the main issue.

Shepard Smith also said "Hard Rock stadium which used to be Joe Robbie Stadium, something that personally bothers me." I guess he is a Dolphins fan.
Shepherd Smith is a horrible reported/ anchor and I would put little validity to what he says.
There better not be any structural damage.

Wasn't Irma only a CAT 2 storm when it hit?
@TomGarfinkel: "We lost landscaping and a section of roof panels in 1 corner. Engineers believe a tornado touched down. Aesthetic in nature and easy to fix."
@TomGarfinkel: "We lost landscaping and a section of roof panels in 1 corner. Engineers believe a tornado touched down. Aesthetic in nature and easy to fix."

Great news, and considering Miami will not be there for a few weeks, they have plenty of time to take care of it.
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